Cambridge Civic Journal Forum

June 14, 2021

Craven Attention – June 14, 2021 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Craven Attention – June 14, 2021 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Here’s my first pass at this week’s effort:City Hall

Manager’s Agenda #5. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $500,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Library Extraordinary Expenditures account to fund a comprehensive Library Building Program Study and Feasibility Study for the Central Square Branch Library.
Order Adopted 9-0

Many of us who spend a lot of time in Central Square and think about Central Square will likely agree that even though the proposed improvements are appreciated there should really be a Grand Vision for the library and the Green Street parking garage in the context of the whole district. For example, unless you believe that all cars and all parking should be abolished (in which case you should really take up farming or ascetic religion), proposals to build on surface parking lots (or continue Starlight Square) might want to consider where those vehicles might park (at least until the Rule of Robots). A couple more parking levels on Green Street might make sense even if only as a place for the robots to live.

Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-18, regarding a report on the City’s annual stationery expenditures and percentage spent at local retailers.
Placed on File 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to first Progress Report due under the Cycling Safety Ordinance (Chapter 12.22 of the Cambridge Municipal Code), which is required to detail “…progress towards meeting the requirements set forth in Subsections C, D, E, F, G, and H. Such report shall include details on the Separated Bicycle Facilities planned for the coming twelve months.”
Referred to Transportation and Public Utilities Committee 9-0

No comment.

On the Table #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to further proposed amendments to the Tree Protection Ordinance and draft regulations. [TABLED IN COUNCIL MAY 17, 2021] [May 17 memo] [changes] [regulations]
Passed to 2nd Reading as Amended 7-0-0-2 (DS,TT – PRESENT)
Note: Special thanks to Councillor Toomey for pointing out the hypocrisy of the City Councillors eagerly wanting to relieve the Cambridge Police of various public safety responsibilities while adding on the responsibility of enforcement of the Tree Protection Ordinance. The ordinance was subsequently amended.

Committee Report #1. The Ordinance Committee met on Apr 28, 2021 to discuss the Tree Protection Ordinance. [proposed amendments to the Tree Protection Ordinance]
Reports Accepted, Placed on File 9-0; Ordinance Passed to 2nd Reading 7-0-0-2 (DS,TT – PRESENT)

Committee Report #1B. The Health & Environment Committee met on Oct 13, 2020 to discuss amending the Tree Protection Ordinance based on the findings of the Urban Forest Master Plan Task Force.

Committee Report #1C. The Health and Environment Committee met on Nov 10, 2020 to continue discussing amending the Tree Protection Ordinance based on the findings of the Urban Forest Master Plan Task Force.

The updated ordinance should be approved this month – probably next week. The final draft regulations are not as onerous for homeowners as they could have been, but the onward march of government control over your property continues.

Blue Heron Bridge

Order #1. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to confer with the Community Development Department, the Assessing Department, the Finance Department, and other relevant City departments to explore the feasibility of purchasing properties for sale in the Alewife area to address City goals.   Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone
Adopted 8-0-1 as Amended (TT – ABSENT)

Order #2. That the Mayor be and hereby is requested to schedule a Roundtable meeting to discuss how the American Rescue Plan funds may best be utilized in Cambridge.   Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui
Adopted 9-0

Order #10. That the Co-Chairs of the Finance Committee schedule a hearing to discuss the $65 million Cambridge is eligible to receive from the American Rescue Plan, and to begin the discussion on how the money can best be spent to advance racial, economic, and environmental justice in our community.   Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone
Adopted 9-0

Note: “General infrastructure spending is not covered as an eligible use outside of water, sewer, and broadband investments or above the amount allocated under the revenue loss provision.” I really wish we could take some of that money and build a couple of bridges connecting the Alewife Triangle and Quadrangle and maybe build a pedestrian bridge over the Little River connecting to the Science Park area.

Order #4. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to confer with the Public Health Department, the Inspectional Services Department, the Cambridge Housing Authority, and other relevant City departments to determine if the City has the discretion to waive this rule (state sanitary code re: heating & cooling), and the circumstances in which the City could administer this waiver, and report back to the City Council.   Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui
Adopted 9-0

This Order grew out of the recent heat wave and the strange fact/claim that the change from heating to cooling in CHA buildings couldn’t happen until June 15 regardless of conditions. The world might be a better place if we just put the administrators out to pasture and put the supers and custodians in charge.

Order #6. Amending City Council Rules for Remote Participation.   Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler
Adopted 9-0 as Amended

The State Legislature seems to be on the verge of extending the right of elected officials to continue “phoning it in” (we’ll see tomorrow), but I hope they don’t. I really hope we return to in-person meetings. The matter of public comment is a somewhat separate matter that can be adjusted simply by amending the City Council Rules – hence this Order. I wish they would at least restrict remote public comment to Cambridge residents and invited guests. Elected officials and City staff should simply show up in person unless they are physically unable to attend.

Order #7. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to adopt certain policies related to Open Space.   Councillor Carlone, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
Adopted 9-0 as Amended

Order #8. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the Traffic & Parking Department to make these immediate improvements to the safety of this intersection (Cardinal Medeiros Avenue, Binney Street, and Bristol Street) and to all intersections in the city that are similarly malfunctioning, and to implement longer term changes as soon as possible.   Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Nolan
Adopted 9-0

Order #9. That the City Manager be and is hereby requested to work with City staff to provide an update on the cost of each license and permit required by businesses in Cambridge.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan
Adopted 9-0

The would be useful information to see in one place, and I think most of use will readily agree that fees should be reasonable and bear at least some connection with the costs associated with the regulations. As far as continuing to waive or significantly reduce fees, unless you waive the enforcement and reduce the personnel, all you’re doing is moving the cost over to the property tax.

Committee Report #2. The Ordinance Committee met on May 12, 2021 to conduct a hearing on the Cannabis Delivery Zoning Amendments and Municipal Code Amendments.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

Perhaps I should make a short list of the highest priorities of this Council term and the previous term. Cannabis promotion would high on that list.

Committee Report #3. The Public Safety Committee met on Jan 6, 2021 to conduct a public hearing on the Cambridge Police Department inventory list.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

The Zondervan/Sobrinho-Wheeler war on law enforcement continues. – Robert Winters

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