Cambridge Civic Journal Forum

December 20, 2020

Dropping the Curtain on a Very Bad Year – Featured Items on the December 21, 2020 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Dropping the Curtain on a Very Bad Year – Featured Items on the December 21, 2020 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Here’s my rundown of the interesting stuff this week:New Year Ahead

Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a COVID-19 update.
Placed on File 8-0-1 (Simmons ABSENT)

Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 20-44, regarding a Vaccine Task Force.
Placed on File 8-0-1 (Simmons ABSENT)

Order #2. Policy Order re Covid-19 Vaccines.   Councillor Simmons, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone, Vice Mayor Mallon
Charter Right – Zondervan

Order #3. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the appropriate City personnel to establish a waiver for low-income individuals utilizing the Covid-19 vaccine if the vaccine would otherwise cost money to access.   Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

The Beat Goes On. I would just like a better sense of what the principal causes are for the latest wave of Covid-19 positive tests. The fact that there were several new fatalities recorded this past week after many weeks without any new fatalities is, to say the least, alarming. Privacy concerns notwithstanding, a little explanation and reassurance right now will go a long way – even as the vaccine wagon rolls into town.

Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a response to Policy Order No. O-8 of July 27, 2020, regarding a review of the proposed amendments to Chapter 2.119 of the Municipal Code – the Domestic Partnership Ordinance.
Referred to Ordinance Committee 9-0

Unfinished Business #2. The City Manager be and hereby is requested to confer with the City of Cambridge Law Department to review the above changes to the language of the Domestic Partnerships Ordinance and report back to the Council. [PASSED TO A SECOND READING IN COUNCIL JULY 27, 2020. TO BE ORDAINED ON OR AFTER SEPT 14, 2020]  See Mgr #2

Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a recommendation from the Planning Board to adopt with modifications, the MXD Amendments Zoning Petition.
Referred to MXD Petition 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board recommendation to adoption the Cannabis Delivery Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0 (Petition to be Re-Filed in January due to changes in State Law)

Manager’s Agenda #9. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board recommendation to adopt with modifications, the Canal District Kendall (PUD-CDK) Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #10. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to memo from the development economics consultant team led by Karl F. Seidman regarding a financial assessment of the Canal District Kendall (PUD-CDK) Zoning Petition submitted by BioMed Realty.
Referred to Petition 9-0

Unfinished Business #3. A Zoning Petition has been received from BMR–Third LLC c/o BioMed Realty, L.P. regarding a Zoning Amendment Petition for a new Planned Unit Development PUD District CDK. [PASSED TO A SECOND READING AS AMENDED ON NOV 30, 2020. TO BE ORDAINED ON OR AFTER DEC 21, 2020.]  See Mgr #10, #11
Ordained 9-0 as Amended; Letter of Commitment incorporated

Communications #6. A communication was received from Salvatore Zinno Vice President, Development, BMR-Third LLC, regarding commitment letter to accompany zoning amendment petition.
Letter of Commitment incorporated into Zoning Amendment

Manager’s Agenda #11. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the following requests relative to the eminent domain taking of 185 Larch Road: 1. Appropriate $7,702,000 from Free Cash to the General Fund Law Department Travel & Training (Damages) Account to cover the pro tanto payment toward the expenses of acquisition as required by the above referenced Sections of Chapters 40 and 43 of the General Laws for the property located at 185 Larch Road owned by BB&N; 2. Approve an Order to take by eminent domain a 185 Larch Road; and 3. Appropriate $10,798,000 from Free Cash to the General Fund Law Department Travel & Training (Damages) Account to fund the settlement of BB&N’s remaining eminent domain damages claim.
Order Adopted 8-1 (Toomey – NO)

Lest you think otherwise, note that the City Manager’s message says: “For several decades the City Council has been asking City Managers to actively pursue opportunities to acquire and increase access to open space for all residents. Unfortunately, this goal has been very difficult to achieve due to the lack of availability of land suitable for open space use in Cambridge. Due to this, when BB&N expressed interest in selling Buckingham Field, we aggressively pursued this opportunity to acquire additional open space in Cambridge.”

About 20 years ago I served on the City’s Green Ribbon Open Space Committee whose charge was to develop priorities and strategies to acquire additional open space in Cambridge. Since then there have been some opportunities seized by the City to achieve these goals – notably the purchase and street closure that led to Greene-Rose Park in The Port neighborhood, movement on the Grand Junction corridor, and some parcels that came to us as a result of various upzonings. This is a densely-developed city with very few opportunities available for adding to our very small inventory of open space.

It is noteworthy that on the night when the City Council voted on a once-in-a-generation opportunity for the eminent domain taking of the BB&N land on Larch Road for open space, many city councillors chose to focus primarily on how they could turn around and build on this newly-acquired open space. In short, many/most councillors were essentially saying that we should tear up the Report of the Green Ribbon Open Space Committee of March 2000.

There are certainly lots of worthwhile priorities such as housing, schools, and additional space for Public Works, but it’s simply shameful that this particular group of councillors would choose to disregard long-standing calls for open space acquisition in such a dismissive way. Suffice to say that housing, including subsidized housing, can be built almost anywhere in the city. Few, if any, would advocate for demolishing residential buildings in order to create open space, but they seem very comfortable and even eager to eliminate open space at the very moment they are acquiring it.

I really hope there are some big changes on the City Council in November 2021.

Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a request to move to Executive Session in order to discuss possible settlement and pending litigation.
Late Order Adopted 6-2-0-1 (Sobrinho-Wheeler, Siddiqui – NO; Nolan – PRESENT) after Executive Session for appropriation of $1.4 million for unspecified purposes (see below)

Manager’s Agenda #13. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $1,400,000 from Free Cash to the General Fund Law Travel and Training (Judgment and Damages) account to cover current and future disbursements that must be paid from this account.
Late Order Adopted 6-2-0-1 (Sobrinho-Wheeler, Siddiqui – NO; Nolan – PRESENT)

I completely respect the idea of Executive Session “to discuss possible settlement and pending litigation” and for various other reasons, but I have never understood why this has to be such a McGuffin (as Alfred Hitchcock would say) where even the general topic of the Executive Session remains a suspenseful mystery. Would it compromise the City’s position to just add a clarifying phrase such as “regarding an open space purchase” or “for the acquisition of residential units” or “in regard to the ongoing Vail Court litigation”? In the absence of such, my suspicious mind and desire for drama always drifts toward “for the purchase of the silence of Madame Bouvier regarding the scandal in the City Hall clock tower.”

Resolution #7. Thanking Rep. Robert A. DeLeo for his many years of dedicated service.   Councillor Toomey
Failed of Adoption 3-3-0-3 (Mallon, McGovern, Toomey – YES; Sobrinho-Wheeler, Zondervan, Siddiqui – NO; Carlone, Nolan, Simmons – PRESENT)

Order #1. That the Cambridge City Council calls upon the Animal Legal Defense Fund management to respect the democratic choice of its workers by, without delay, voluntarily recognizing ALDF United and bargaining a contract with ALDF United that reflects the core values of ALDF – compassion, innovation, balance, justice, commitment, and integrity – and that seeks to create a workplace that is anti-racist, cooperative, equitable, inclusive, just, respectful, and transparent.   Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0

Nothing says "municipal election year coming" like a ghost-written order in search of a candidate endorsement.

Order #4. That the City Manager and DCR explore the feasibility of keeping Riverbend Park open beyond Dec 27, 2020.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted 9-0

This may be a Very Good Thing, but let’s please stop the pretense that this has anything to do with the pandemic and the need for social distancing.

Committee Report #1. The Ordinance Committee met on Oct 21, 2020 to conduct a public hearing on the Harvard Square Conservation District Study Committee Report.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0; Order Adopted 9-0; proposed amendments to Chapter 2.78, Article III, Section 2.78.150 of the Cambridge Municipal Code, entitled “Definitions for Article III” Passed to 2nd Reading 9-0

I always love reading reports from the Cambridge Historical Commission and its related study committees. In addition to being extremely well-written and documented, they serve as a reminder that Cambridge does indeed have many buildings and settings that are absolutely worth preserving and enhancing. This truth is often lost on the latest wave of activists in the Robert Moses tradition of tearing all things down in the name of density without vision or any sense of history. Transit-oriented development and other smart projects notwithstanding, A Bigger Cambridge is not necessarily a better Cambridge.

Committee Report #2. A communication was received from Paula Crane, Deputy City Clerk, transmitting a report from Councillor Nolan, Chair of the Neighborhood and Long Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebration Committee, for a public hearing held on Oct 14, 2020 to discuss the process for conducting the feasibility study for municipal broadband and the Request for Proposal.
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0

I’m glad that there’s some movement on this regardless whether it leads anywhere – either at the speed of light or more slowly. I do find it interesting (and perhaps it’s a generational thing) that there was not a single mention of Cable TV in the report. Some of us bundle our phone, TV, and Internet together and, even if most of us have a less-than-stellar view of the Comcast Evil Empire, we don’t see broadband access as completely separate from our ability to get really crappy TV programming at an unreasonably high cost. – Robert Winters

December 16, 2020

Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 483-484: December 15, 2020

Episode 483 – Cambridge InsideOut: Dec 15, 2020 (Part 1)

This episode was broadcast on Dec 15, 2020 at 6:00pm. Topics: electoral college; first Covid vaccinations, testing, transmission; neighborhood groups; Dec 7 and Dec 14 City Council highlights; local history – sanitized or real; who speaks for “the community?” Hosts: Judy Nathans, Robert Winters [On YouTube] [audio]

Episode 484 – Cambridge InsideOut: Dec 15, 2020 (Part 2)

This episode was broadcast on Dec 15, 2020 at 6:30pm. Topics: 2021 municipal candidates; OCPF; advocates vs. representatives; Covid-19 changes the issues; good intentions vs. reality; housing non-policies; renter’s market; ABC war against single-family homes; Starlight Square updates. Hosts: Judy Nathans, Robert Winters [On YouTube] [audio]

[Materials used in these episodes]

December 14, 2020

A Clear Look at the December 14, 2020 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Filed under: Cambridge,City Council,history — Tags: , , , , , — Robert Winters @ 1:26 pm

A Clear Look at the December 14, 2020 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Here you go my fellow Cantabrigians:Peoples Republic of Cambridge

Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update on COVID-19.
Placed on File 9-0

Order #2. The City Manager will work with the COVID-19 advisory board to help the city identify the parameters upon which each strategy and technology reduces the risk to public health and the control of the spread of SARS CoV-2.   Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

The vaccine may now be in distribution, but we still have a long way to go, and that includes finding practical ways to help businesses get through this.

Manager’s Agenda #2. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the transfer of $15,000 from the General Fund Reserves Other Ordinary Maintenance account to the General Fund Women’s Commission Other Ordinary Maintenance account to pay for costs associated with expanded efforts on the Mapping Feminist Cambridge: Inman Square and the Mapping Feminist Cambridge:  Central Square projects.
Order Adopted 9-0

I have gone on some of their history walks and they are great: [Inman Square] [Area IV] [Cambridgeport] [Riverside and Cambridgeport] [Mid-Cambridge]

Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 19-74 and 19-45, regarding reviewing public monuments, memorials and markers and streets, schools and public buildings.
Placed on File 9-0

I just hope that this doesn’t translate simply into cancellation and eradication of history. Some of us prefer our history murky and honest rather than sanitized or obliterated.

Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 20-62, regarding providing interpreters at polling locations.
Placed on File 9-0

As always, our Election Commission demonstrates practicality and good sense.

Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 20-54, regarding a report on drafting an ordinance requiring the city to only purchase goods that are made in full compliance with USA environmental and labor standards.
Placed on File 9-0

The zealots aren’t going to like this response – even though it makes total sense.

Charter Right #1. Initiate a community process to develop the property at 105 Windsor Street as a community space that will create economic opportunity in the neighborhood, as part of an overall neighborhood plan that includes looking for ways to create affordable housing, open space and urban agriculture opportunities.   Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone [CHARTER RIGHT EXERCISED BY COUNCILLOR ZONDERVAN IN COUNCIL DEC 7, 2020]
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

Just as was the case with the Foundry, the politicians line up for pet projects and recognition. I really wish we had a dependable method for actually getting honest and representative feedback from "the community" regarding their priorities for how to get the best use from public assets.

Charter Right #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 20-12, regarding the feasibility of adding bike parking rings to parking meters. [CHARTER RIGHT EXERCISED BY COUNCILLOR NOLAN IN COUNCIL DEC 7, 2020]
Placed on File 9-0

Charter Right #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Home Rule Petition seeking special legislation from the Legislature which would authorize the City of Cambridge to provide police, fire and other emergency services (“Emergency Services”) to portions of the Cambridge Crossing project that are partially located in the cities of Boston and Somerville, with one such property wholly located within Somerville. [CHARTER RIGHT EXERCISED BY COUNCILLOR SOBRINHO-WHEELER IN COUNCIL DEC 7, 2020]
Order Adopted 9-0

These are just leftovers from last week. The reports were as clear as an unmuuddied lake or the azure skies of deepest summer – so of course our councillors needed more time to understand them.

Resolution #2. Congratulating Sean Effel As He Begins His Next Chapter.   Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toomey
Resolution Adopted as Amended 9-0

I feel like we need to redo that closing scene from the film "Shane".

Resolution #5. Support for a Guaranteed Income.   Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan
Resolution Adopted 9-0

What could possibly go wrong? I’ll take mine in Green Stamps.

Order #1. Elimination of Single Family Zoning.   Councillor Nolan, Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted 9-0

There’s a big difference between a situation where a city is predominantly or exclusively single-family zoning vs. a city like Cambridge which is predominantly multi-family with some single-family districts. It’s a good bet that any discussion of this will include bucketfuls of agenda-driven revisionist history.

While I think anyone should have flexibility in how they operate their home – especially those who have more home than they really need – I consider the diversity of housing types in Cambridge to be a good thing – A Very Good Thing – and that includes those parts of Cambridge where single-family homes are the dominant housing type. Something for everybody. I live in a triple-decker and I have friends who live in large apartment buildings, but that’s not for everyone. It’s worth noting that among cities across the USA with a population of 100,000 or more, Cambridge rings in with the 4th highest population density. Are we striving to be #1? – Robert Winters

December 7, 2020

The Surge – Featured Items on the Infamous December 7, 2020 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Filed under: Cambridge,City Council,covid — Tags: , , , , , — Robert Winters @ 12:06 pm

The Surge – Featured Items on the Infamous December 7, 2020 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Covid is still the center of attention and, yes, some of the numbers of late have been on the scary side. I have no idea what that should translate into when it comes to public policy, but I really do hope that the principal causes can be addressed so that I don’t have to just crawl into a little ball for the coming winter. This year simply sucks in every way, and even though the vaccine is coming it still feels like chasing rainbows.The Surge

By the way, the word just came down on the Cambridge Public Schools: “Because COVID-19 cases in Cambridge have increased, and the Cambridge Public Schools have surpassed the thresholds set in partnership with its scientific advisors, CPS will make a temporary shift to remote learning for all students beginning on Thursday, December 10. The shift to all remote learning will continue for at least 1 week at least through December 16. In-person learning will resume when two or more metrics remain below threshold for 7 consecutive days. Reopening decisions based on the metrics will be made in consultation with the Cambridge Public Health Department.”

Here are a few items of interest on this week’s Day of Infamy agenda:

Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a COVID-19 update.
Placed on File 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #5. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of Federal CARES Act funds in the amount of $1,256,118 to the Public Investment Fund Community Development Department Extraordinary Expenditures account which will be used to assist residents and small business owners who are impacted by the virus, and to support emergency housing assistance efforts.
Order Adopted 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #6. Transmitting Communication from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of new Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in the amount of $2,268.869 to the Grant Fund Department of Human Services Programs Salary and Wages account ($106,013) and to the Grant Fund Department of Human Services Programs Other Ordinary Maintenance account ($2,162,856) and will be used to prevent, prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus pandemic among individuals and families who are homeless and will support shelter operating costs and provision of essential services to homeless persons outside of a shelter setting.
Order Adopted 9-0

Order #2. Policy Order re Mayor’s Disaster Relief Fund.   Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toomey
Order Adopted 9-0

Order #3. Supporting Food Pantries & Closing the SNAP Gap PO.   Vice Mayor Mallon, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0

These are all related either directly or indirectly to the pandemic. Needless to say, these are extraordinary times that require extraordinary effort and policies to get through this. It also needs to be pointed out that even if Cambridge has "an embarassment of riches," there are still legal limitations to what we can do, and creative solutions (like contracting with local restaurants to provide food for relief efforts) are often the best available options. But seriously, the damn federal government should be providing loan guarantees across the board so that costs can be deferred until better times.

Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a Home Rule Petition seeking special legislation from the Legislature which would authorize the City of Cambridge to provide police, fire and other emergency services (“Emergency Services”) to portions of the Cambridge Crossing project that are partially located in the cities of Boston and Somerville, with one such property wholly located within Somerville.
Charter Right – Sobrinho-Wheeler

Annexation of our lesser neighbors is another option, but Mayors Curtatone and Walsh might raise unreasonable objections to this modest proposal or demand that we give them Harvard and MIT as compensation.

Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 20-12, regarding the feasibility of adding bike parking rings to parking meters.
Charter Right – Nolan

This has been suggested in the past via policy orders, and the response now is the same, i.e. nope – except for posts that have lost their heads due to either Cool Hand Luke or removal of parking spaces.

Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 19-134, regarding increasing funding to the City’s HomeBridge program.
Placed on File 9-0

It’s expensive, and qualified potential homeowners will not really own their home in the sense that they cannot do with it as they see fit. As the communication states, "Homes purchased with HomeBridge funding become part of the City’s stock of deed-restricted affordable housing."

Applications & Petitions #2. A Zoning Petition has been received from Amy Oliver, regarding that the City require the installation of GREEN ROOFS vegetated or BioSolar on future construction and significant rehab of buildings that are 20,000 square feet and larger.
Referred to Planning Board & Ordinance Committee

There are some really great benefits associated with this proposal, but it also serves to highlight the fact that Cambridge advocates and policy-makers generally can rarely find a happy medium between issuing mandates and doing nothing at all. Installing a green roof can provide great benefit for both property owners and climate, but there are good reasons why a property owner might still choose not to go this route – most notably cost and eternal maintenance (though the proposal really tries to wish this concern away). This won’t affect owners of small properties (at least not in this initial incarnation), and owners of some larger properties are already proposing treatments like this, so perhaps this will all work out. That said, I really wish this City would shift its inclinations from mandates to incentives – even if the zealots howl in protest.

Resolution #1. Resolution Wishing Swift Recovery to Dennis Benzan.   Councillor Simmons

This is the first I’ve heard of this, but absolutely Get Well Dennis.

Order #1. Initiate a community process to develop the property at 105 Windsor Street as a community space that will create economic opportunity in the neighborhood, as part of an overall neighborhood plan that includes looking for ways to create affordable housing, open space and urban agriculture opportunities.   Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone
Charter Right – Zondervan

I like what is suggested in this Order, but I continue to be amazed at the lethargy of the City of Cambridge in putting some of their own properties into productive use. – Robert Winters

December 2, 2020

Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 481-482: December 1, 2020

Episode 481 – Cambridge InsideOut: Dec 1, 2020 (Part 1)

This episode was broadcast on Dec 1, 2020 at 6:00pm. Topics: Frank Duehay; COVID rates still up – shutdowns averted for now; Council committee priorities in the time of COVID. Hosts: Judy Nathans, Robert Winters [On YouTube] [audio]

Episode 482 – Cambridge InsideOut: Dec 1, 2020 (Part 2)

This episode was broadcast on Dec 1, 2020 at 6:30pm. Topics: Neighborhood associations; controversies; MCNA, ECPT, NAEC, NCSC, ANC, CSNC, PSNA, FPRA, HSNA, CNA, A4NC, WHNA, etc.; history; priorities; the gold standard of neighborhood associations; the value of archives for history and introduction; listserv vs. website vs. Facebook; reputation – not “standing”; community school program and neighborhood councils. Hosts: Judy Nathans, Robert Winters [On YouTube] [audio]

[Materials used in these episodes]

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