Evacuation Day Special – March 17, 2025 Cambridge City Council meeting
March 17 marks the 249th anniversary of the end of the 11-month siege of Boston that ended when the Continental Army under the command of George Washington fortified Dorchester Heights in early March 1776 with cannons captured at Ticonderoga. British General William Howe’s garrison and navy were threatened by these positions, and they were forced to decide between attack and retreat. Howe chose to retreat in order to prevent what could have been a repeat of the Battle of Bunker Hill, withdrawing from Boston to Nova Scotia on March 17, 1776. The British evacuation was Washington’s first victory of the Revolutionary War. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this event was how Henry Knox – a 25-year-old Boston bookseller-turned-artillery colonel – had returned with his men from a six-week mission to Fort Ticonderoga in New York dragging more than 119,000 pounds of firearms and ammunition, including 59 cannons. He and his men transported the load over 300 miles, through the snowy Berkshires, on 42 sleds pulled by 160 oxen. [Ref: WBUR newsletter] In contrast, many of the people of Boston today use this day as an opportunity to drink and get wasted.
Meanwhile, across the River Charles, we have these agenda items on tap for this week’s City Council meeting:
Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the 2025 Annual Surveillance Report concerning City Departments’ use of Surveillance Technology or Surveillance Data. (CM25#33) [text of report]
pulled by Toner (w/M7,M8); comments by Nolan, Christine Elow (CPD), Mike Madeiros (CPD), Zusy, Toner, City Solicitor Megan Bayer. Overt cameras in Central Square expected to be installed 2nd week of April; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #7. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $570,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Police Extraordinary Expenditures account for the procurement of replacement firearms for the Police Department. These funds would support the purchase of replacement firearms for the Department. Police Department firearms are typically replaced on approximately a ten-year cycle. The manufacturer has ceased production of the model currently used and replacements are almost impossible to source. It is important that department personnel are all trained on the same firearm to ensure safety and interoperability. (CM25#40) [text of report]
pulled by Toner; comments by Toner, Christine Elow (CPD), Sobrinho-Wheeler (DSA), Zusy, Jim Mulcahy (CPD), Casey McGrath (CPD), Wilson, Manisha ?? (CPD), Simmons, City Manager Yi-An Huang, McGovern; Tabled and Referred to Finance Committee 7-2 (PT,DS-No)
Note: This agenda item was the focus during Public Comment by many of the characters from the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) who used this as an opportunity to express their hatred for police and to suggest a false choice between this appropriation and funding for homeless shelters, etc. Nonetheless, some city councillors chose to validate this false choice during their comments – and pushback from the City Administration was, at best, weak.
Manager’s Agenda #8. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $160,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Police Extraordinary Expenditures account for the procurement of a new fully electric accessible transport wagon. This funding will allow the purchase of a fully electric, American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant transport wagon to replace one of the aging F350s. The new vehicle will ensure the safe and comfortable transport of community members to court, shelters, and other service providers. (CM25#41) [text of report]
pulled by Toner; comments by Wilson, Toner, Nolan; Tabled and Referred to Finance Committee 5-3-1 (BA,PT,DS-No; JSW-Absent)
Committee Report #2. The Public Safety Committee held a public hearing on Mar 3, 2025 to review and discuss the City Manager’s Surveillance Technology Impact Report (STIR) related to allowing Remotely Piloted Aerial Vehicle (RPA) technology in Cambridge. [text of report]
Late Order #4. That the City Manager provide the Council with a report before May 31, 2025, that includes a summary of all requests for approval of Surveillance Technology Impact Reports received by the city council during the prior year pursuant to Section 2.128.030 or Section 2.128.040 of the Surveillance Ordinance, including whether the City Council approved, disapproved, or required modifications to the Surveillance Technology Impact Reports received, for the Council to review and adopt. (PO25#34) Councillor Toner
Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update regarding Federal funding.
pulled by Siddiqui; comments by City Manager Yi-An Huang, Placed on File 7-0-2 (voice vote)
Manager’s Agenda #9. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $30,000,000 from Free Cash to the Debt Stabilization Fund. This appropriation will be used to mitigate anticipated debt service costs in future years for the City’s major capital projects.
pulled by Nolan; comments by Zusy; Order Adopted 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #16. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number #24-62, regarding an update on recommendations and planned next steps from the City’s study of resident experiences of inclusion and bias in Inclusionary Housing in Cambridge. [text of report]
pulled by Siddiqui; Placed on File 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #17. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO24#162, regarding proposed amendments to the Cannabis Business Ordinance to add select HCA requirements so the city can waive the HCA requirement and zoning amendment to remove repackaging prohibition. [text of report]
pulled by Toner; Referred to Ordinance Committee 8-0-1 (JSW-Absent); Adopt Amendment re: repackaging 8-0-1 (JSW Absent); refer Petition Ordinance Committee & Planning Board 8-0-1 (JSW Absent); Placed Communication on File 8-0-1 (JSW Absent)
A. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk, relative to Chapter 5.50 CANNABIS BUSINESS PERMITTING. (ORD25#5)
Referred to Ordinance Committee 8-0-1 (JSW-Absent)B. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk Diane P. LeBlanc, relative to Zoning Petition to remove the repackaging prohibition as a City Council Zoning Petition. (ORD25#6)
Referred to Ordinance Committee & Planning Board 8-0-1 (JSW-Absent)
Manager’s Agenda #18. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointments of members to the Cambridge Kiosk Advisory Committee.
pulled by Zusy; comments by Zusy on Out-Of-Town News; comments by Simmons re: hope that Somerville-based Culture House (who will curate Kiosk) will respect Cambridge history and context; additional comments by Melissa Peters (CDD); Appointments Confirmed 9-0
Manager’s Agenda #19. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO25#16, regarding permissible height increases under the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) in the Zoning Ordinance. [text of report]
pulled by Toner; comments by Toner, McGovern, Nolan, Zusy; apparently AHO projects will be capped at “only” 9 stories on “neighborhood streets”, but greater AHO heights to remain on “AHO corridors”; McGovern doesn’t want to touch AHO believing “it’s working fine”; Language Adopted as a City Council Zoning Petition 8-0-0-1 (Zusy-Present); Referred to Ordinance Committee & Planning Board 8-0-0-1 (Zusy-Present); Placed on File 9-0
A. An Ordinance has been received from City Clerk Diane P. LeBlanc, relative to amend certain subsections of the Affordable Housing Overlay, Section 11.207 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance. (ORD25#7)
Referred to Ordinance Committee & Planning Board 8-0-0-1 (Zusy-Present)
Manager’s Agenda #20. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number #24-58, regarding the feasibility of a successor program to Rise Up Cambridge. (CM25#53) [text of report]
pulled by Siddiqui; McGovern, Wilson to schedule a Human Services Committee hearing on this (Apr 15, 3-5pm); comments by Siddiqui, Azeem, Toner, Nolan, Zusy, Wilson; Referred to Human Services & Veterans Committee 9-0
Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to appoint the members of a working committee tasked with integrating the objectives of both the Task Force to Examine the Status and Wellbeing of the City’s African American/Black Population and the Commission on the Status of Black Men and Boys into a unified, actionable framework. Mayor Simmons, Councillor Wilson
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; comments by JSW, Wilson, Simmons, Nolan; Order Adopted, Referred to Civic Unity Committee 9-0
Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to direct the appropriate City departments to draft language to create an Ordinance to ensure that vacant store fronts and commercial properties keep their properties in safe and clean conditions. Councillor Toner, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Wilson
pulled by Toner; comments by Toner, Nolan, McGovern, Siddiqui; Add Siddiqui, Wilson as sponsors; Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Order #3. Designating the Fourth Thursday of March as Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day. Mayor Simmons, Councillor Wilson
Order Adopted 9-0
Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant staff to present a zoning petition to the City Council for consideration on maximum unit size. [Charter Right – Toner, Mar 3, 2025]
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0
Applications & Petitions #1. A Zoning Amendment Petition has been received from Mushla Marasao in regards to Article 5.28.21, 8.22.1, 8.22.2, Tbl 5.1. (AP25#11) [text of petition]
Referred to Ordinance Committee & Planning Board 8-0-1 (Wilson-Absent)
Applications & Petitions #4. A Zoning Amendment Petition has been received from BMR-320 Charles LLC c/o BioMed Realty, L. P., regarding a Zoning Ordinance and the Zoning Map of the City of Cambridge, which, upon adoption would create a new East Cambridge Community Enhancement Overlay District, or the “ECCE Overlay District”. (AP25#14) [text of petition]
Referred to Ordinance Committee & Planning Board 8-0-1 (Wilson-Absent)
Committee Report #1. The Special Committee of the Whole/Charter Review met on Mon, Dec 9, 2024; Mon, Jan 27, 2025; Thurs, Feb 13, 2025; and Mon, Feb 24, 2025, to discuss the recommendations made by the Charter Review Committee and other Charter related suggestions made by Councillors. The Special Committee of the Whole/Charter Review voted on several recommendations made by the Charter Review Committee and by Councillors. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 9-0
Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from City Solicitor Megan B. Bayer, transmitting City Charter – Update Regarding Alternative Mayoral Selection Proposals and Other Updates. [text of report]
Referred to Special Committee of the Whole/Charter Review 9-0
Late Order #5. That the City Council approve the motions that passed favorably in the Special Committee of the Whole/Charter Review. Committee Report is attached. (PO25#35) Councillor Siddiqui
Order Adopted 9-0