Cambridge Civic Journal Forum

September 13, 2024

Acapulco Gold Rush – September 16, 2024 Cambridge City Council meeting

Acapulco Gold Rush – September 16, 2024 Cambridge City Council meeting

MarijuanaPerhaps the biggest action item on this week’s agenda is the “emergency” amendment to the Cannabis Business Permitting Ordinance to extend the permitting preference period during which the politically connected “social equity” and “economic empowerment” applicants can have an advantage in selling recreational marijuana without any competition from their medicinal marijuana counterparts. This isn’t the first time this ordinance was extended as an “emergency” since its original adoption over 5 years ago.

There are also the two housing-related shots across the bow that were delayed from last week via the Charter Right. Those are accompanied by a flood of communications – mostly in vehement opposition.

Otherwise, the agenda this week is relatively brief. Here are the items I found most interesting:

Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 24-48, regarding a request which directed City staff to enact policy that will extend the priority period for Social Equity and Equity Empowerment cannabis business applicants. (CM24#201) [text of report]
pulled by Siddiqui; comments by City Solicitor Megan Bayer on 6-month extension, emergency ordination; Simmons motion to pass through all stages of ordination as an “emergency involving the health and safety of the people of Cambridge or their property” passes 6-2 (BA,PN-No); Nolan expresses concerns about this being the 2nd instance of passing this as an “emergency”; Ordained 6-2 (BA,PN-No); Communication Placed on File 8-0

Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Council Order PO24#121, which requested that the City Manager work with relevant staff to provide an update on the status of the Vail Court property and associate litigation in Said S. Abuzahra, Trustee of Equity Realty Trust, et al. v. City of Cambridge, in Executive Session if necessary, at a future meeting.
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; McGovern motion (at 6:59pm) to Table (until 8:00pm when legal counsel will be available) passes 8-0 at which time the City Council will meet in Executive Session; McGovern motion (7:44pm) to remove from Table 7-0-1 (BA-Absent); Move to Executive Session 7-0-1 (BA-Absent)

Order #1. That the City of Cambridge assist companies, institutions, and other organizations in adopting truck safety requirements for their fleets and finding trucking vendors who are able to comply by providing an informational resource and publicizing those that comply.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Azeem
Order Adopted 8-0

Order #2. That the City Manager is hereby requested to work with relevant departments to review Cambridge’s curb cut policies and report back on if they can be improved to help meet the City’s transportation and sustainability goals with some proposed updates and draft ordinance language designating City staff as the final approval authority for curb cuts.   Councillor Sobrinho-Wheeler, Councillor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Wilson
pulled by Sobrinho-Wheeler; comments by JSW, Toner (notes need for a more accurate list of neighborhood associations); Order Adopted 8-0

Charter Right #1. That the City Manager direct the Community Development Department (CDD) and the Law Department to draft zoning language based on the proposal discussed at the Housing Committee to eliminate exclusionary zoning and allow up to six stories of multifamily housing in all residential districts. [Charter Right – Toner, Sept 9, 2024] (PO24#117)
Toner proposes amendment by substitution calling for up to 15 to 25 stories in the Squares, 9-10 stories on major transportation corridors, and changes to Inclusionary Zoning; Wilson proposes amendment; Clerk process question re: Wilson motion to Toner’s amendment by substitution; McGovern notes that Toner amendment is actually not an amendment by substitution, Toner disagrees; minor Toner amendment; JSW opposes Toner substitution; McGovern wants to jack up AHO even more, agrees with going taller in the Squares, opposes having only 4-story heights in Res A and Res B zones – want those zones to also have much greater heights and densities; Nolan calls this a fraught conversation, notes that almost everyone OK with multi-family citywide, suggests that there are other ways to reach goals with fewer unintended consequences, concerns about possible loss of “naturally occurring affordable housing”, maintaining transportation and climate goals, possibility that this could increase housing costs, questions about actual number of inclusionary units that might be produced; Siddiqui acknowledges need to revisit inclusionary zoning requirements, but does not want to do that now; Azeem questions Iram Farouq about timeline for getting zoning language; Farouq says language likely available as soon as next week; Azeem asks about status of squares and corridors; Farouq says heights of Toner amendment not currently consistent with what is being discussed for Central Square, suggests analysis re: Toner amendment might be available by time Ordinance Committee takes up proposed zoning; Azeem wants additional Housing Committee hearings in interim; Wilson OK with Toner substitution but will also have additional amendment; Toner substitute amendment approved 7-1 (JSW-No); Wilson amendment passes 8-0; Order Adopted as Amended 8-0

Charter Right #2. That the City Manager directs CDD to hold public meetings to inform the Cambridge community about the proposed changes before any public hearings of the Ordinance Committee and the Planning Board on this topic. [Charter Right – Azeem, Sept 9, 2024] (PO24#118)
Order Adopted 8-0

283 Communications – mostly in vehement opposition to the Azeem-Siddiqui-ABC proposals to transform Cambridge into Flushing.

Resolution #5. Resolution on the death of Rita Grassi.   Mayor Simmons, Vice Mayor McGovern, Councillor Toner

Resolution #7. Condolences on the death of Francis P. “Red” McGrail.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Simmons

Communications and Reports #2. A communication from Mayor Simmons re: Joan Pickett Memorial Service.
Placed on File 7-0-1 (PN-Absent)Joan Pickett Memorial

E. Denise Simmons, Mayor

September 16, 2024

City Clerk Diane LeBlanc
City of Cambridge
Cambridge City Hall

Re: Communication re: Joan Pickett Memorial Service

Dear Madam Clerk:
Please include this correspondence on the agenda as a late Communication and Report from Other City Officers for the City Council meeting scheduled for September 16, 2024. I am relaying information about the upcoming memorial for our friend and colleague, City Councillor Joan Pickett, who sadly passed away on August 30. The memorial service shall be held at Cambridge City Hall on Saturday, September 28, 2024 from 3pm-6pm. This memorial service shall be open to friends, family, and members of the public. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Mayor E. Denise Simmons

Communications & Reports #3. A communication from Mayor Simmons re: Filling City Council Vacancy.
Placed on File 7-0-1 (PN-Absent)

E. Denise Simmons, Mayor

September 16, 2024

City Clerk Diane LeBlanc
City of Cambridge
Cambridge City Hall

Re: Communication re: Filling City Council Vacancy

Dear Council Colleagues,
I want to update you on the process and timeline for seating the new City Councillor who will fill the vacancy left by the passing of our esteemed colleague, Joan Pickett.

The recount to determine the new City Councillor will take place on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 5pm. Following the recount, we will officially announce the elected candidate who will be filling the vacancy. Once the candidate is elected, they will coordinate with the City Clerk’s office to schedule their official swearing-in ceremony.

I will keep you informed of any further developments and the swearing-in schedule once it is confirmed. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Mayor E. Denise Simmons

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