Cambridge Civic Journal Forum

September 19, 2022

Sloppy Seconds – September 19, 2022 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Sloppy Seconds – September 19, 2022 Cambridge City Council Agenda

Last week was the first City Council meeting for newly minted City Manager Yi-An Huang, and he’ll be back for seconds this week. Here’s a sampler from this week’s buffet:City Hall

Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Council Order No. O-13 of 9/12/22, regarding a report on a legal opinion on the following questions regarding Policy Order #11 (proposed amendments to the Cannabis Business Permitting Ordinance) from the Sept 12, 2022 City Council meeting. [City Solicitor response]
pulled by Toner; Charter Right #3 brought forward 9-0 (the next time Mayor Siddiqui says “charterwritten” I may scream); Placed on File 9-0

Charter Right #3. That the Ordinances of the City of Cambridge be amended as it relates to Permitting Preferences for Priority Applicants. [Charter Right – Toner, Sept 12, 2022]
pulled by Toner; Council must declare an “emergency affecting the health and safety of the people of or their property” to justify rushing this amendment to a vote without going through passing to a 2nd Reading and waiting the requisite time prior to a vote; Emergency declared 9-0; Ordinance Amendment Adopted 9-0; Reconsideration Fails 0-9

As I said last week: There comes a point when repeated efforts to prop up and give advantages to certain cannabis operators becomes indistinguishable from political patronage. We have reached that point.

Charter Right #2. That the City Council refer the zoning petition regarding lab use to the Ordinance Committee and Planning Board for a hearing and report. [Charter Right – Toner, Sept 12, 2022]
Mayor Siddiqui again says “charterwritten”, Toner offers amendments but Zondervan is not interested; McGovern proposes sending Toner proposed amendments along with petition to Planning Board and Ordinance Committee, but this is not permissible; McGovern proposes Tabling both and taking up issues in Economic Development Committee and Long-Term Planning Committee; Toner hopes to discuss, delay for 6 months; Azeem agrees; Mallon agrees on Tabling; Tabled 9-0, Toner withdraws proposed amendments for now

Order #1. That the City Council refer the attached zoning petition regarding the Housing Contribution Rate to the Ordinance Committee and Planning Board for a hearing and report.   Vice Mayor Mallon
Order Adopted 9-0; Referred to Ordinance Committee and Planning Board

Lotsa-Listserv-Generated (LLG) Communications on the matter of proposed amendments to the Incentive Zoning Ordinance (Linkage Fee).

I’m not sure that there’s much to do this week other than to refer the lab restriction zoning petition to the Ordinance Committee and Planning Board, but suffice to say that there are contrasts between the “command and control” approach of banning lab uses and the more economically enlightened view of adjusting incentives to promote alternatives. I also still don’t know how the City defines a “lab”.

On the Table #5. An application was received from Andy Layman representing Tasty Burger, requesting permission for three (3) projecting signs at the premises numbered 23 Prospect Street. approval has been received from Inspectional Services, Department of Public Works, Community Development Department and abutter. [Tabled – Sept 12, 2022]
pulled by McGovern; Order Adopted 7-2 (DC,PN – NO)

This may be small potatoes over tasty burgers, and I do have a fondness for signage, but there is a limit on just how many signs are really necessary to help Mr. J. Wellington Wimpy find his way to his favorite meal (for which he’ll gladly pay you Tuesday).

By the way, before there was the tall building at the corner, there used to be a hamburger joint (Wimpy).

Resolution #1. Resolution on the death of Elie Yarden.   Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Councillor Simmons

I have know many “activists” over the years – some of whom have been very difficult people – but Elie Yarden was always thoughtful and kind to me even when our views were as different as different can be.

Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Community Development Department to convene a North Massachusetts Avenue Corridor District Zoning Proposal Working Group Policy Order Proposing a North Massachusetts Avenue (NMA) Corridor Working Group for the purpose of developing comprehensive zoning recommendations.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan
Pulled by Toner; Charter Right – Azeem

This is a very promising Order. I will note, however, that unlike the days of yore when CDD would study and process things to death before coming to any conclusions, they often now arrive with conclusions and simply run interference during any subsequent public process. Let’s hope this time is different.

Order #6. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Community Development Department to work with Councillors Azeem and Simmons on all necessary preparations for the next meeting in the discussion on potentially allowing multi-family housing to be built citywide.   Councillor Azeem, Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted 9-0

Generally speaking, allowing more flexibility in the kinds of residential housing that are permissible in any of the city’s residential zones is a good thing. I do worry, however, that this may just be the first step toward blenderizing Cambridge in the long term into just high density porridge. Personally, I like the fact that different parts of Cambridge have very different histories, densities, lot sizes, and residential patterns.

Order #7. That the City Manager is requested to direct the Traffic, Transportation and Parking Department to convene a series of meetings with the Vision Zero, Pedestrian Committee, Bicycle Committee, the newly appointed Bicycling Advisory Committee, Cambridge Police Department, and any other departments deemed necessary, to review and revise the Cambridge Street Code.   Councillor Toner, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Nolan
Pulled by Toner; Mallon substitute Order; Charter Right – Simmons

There was a time when cycling advocates would proudly display their “One Less Car” or “Share the Road” T-shirts. Those were the days of peace and love and peasant blouses. Now it’s Lycra and spandex and “War on Cars” and “Separated Bike Lanes”. I also remember when the City’s Traffic Department and the Transportation Folks in CDD would emphasize safe operation of bicycles. Somewhere along the road the emphasis shifted from safe operation and cooperation to segregation. Meanwhile, lots of newfangled “mobility devices” have emerged and safe operation seems like an afterthought. – Robert Winters

1 Comment »

  1. I agree re the change on approach of Cambridge bicyclists. I also wonder what magic pill they have to keep their bodies in completely strong and healthy condition through their entire lives, so that they will never have to use any other form of transportation than a bicycle.

    Comment by Virginia McVarish — September 20, 2022 @ 5:22 pm

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