Cambridge Civic Journal Forum

January 26, 2023

An Idea Whose Time Has Come Again – Redress of Grievances

An Idea Whose Time Has Come Again – Redress of Grievances

Jan 26, 2023 (modified June 2) – In this year when charter review is underway and possible charter revision may be on the horizon, it is perhaps valuable to look back at some provisions of previous Cambridge City Charters for some guidance. For example, in the original 1846 (proposed) Cambridge City Charter, there’s this:Petition

Sect. 19. General meetings of the citizens qualified to vote may, from time to time, be held, to consult upon the public good, to instruct their representatives, and to take all lawful measures to obtain redress of any grievances, according to the right secured to the people by the Constitution of this Commonwealth; and such meetings may, and shall be duly warned by the mayor and aldermen, upon the requisition of thirty qualified voters.

Note: This provision did not appear in the adopted 1846 Charter nor its subsequent amendments.

Perhaps “the requisition of thirty qualified voters” may not be the appropriate standard today in a city of 120,000 people, and perhaps the procedure should be modified to be more aligned with the way our City Council and School Committee is constituted under the current charter, but there should be a reasonably attainable standard that would allow for “redress of grievances.” The current situation is that a group of hundreds of citizens could send a petition to the City Council (or, presumably the School Committee) asking for reconsideration or change in some policy or ordinance, or action of the City or School administration, but that petition would likely only appear as a “Communication” on an agenda that could, and generally is, simply “Placed on File.” A better system would be to have the respective elected body or City department be required to respond and vote on any reasonable question or request in a timely manner, e.g. within thirty days.

It is a deficiency in the current Plan E Charter that other than begging a city councillor to file a policy order (which could well end up under “Awaiting Report” for months or years), there is no effective way for citizens to hold their elected officials or the City Administration (or any specific department) or the School Department accountable. Requiring a positive or negative response – on the record – would go a long way toward addressing the problem expressed by so many Cambridge residents that they “are not being heard.” – Robert Winters

1 Comment »

  1. Mr. Winters,

    I applaud your thoughts on redress of grievances.
    Unfortunately, as you know, we have a City Council which
    doesn’t care what the citizens of Cambridge think.

    Again, unfortunately, nothing is going to change until the
    charter is changed, if it ever will be changed.

    We have a dysfunctional system beginning with an archaic voting
    system and continuing with essentially an “all at large” group
    of nine councilors and no strong mayor.

    This city is going to go down hill quickly. If any one of the councilors
    bothered to look at the off balance sheet liabilities for post retirement
    pensions and health care costs, they would be shocked to see that the
    assets barely cover the liabilities, and that only because the assumptions
    for the liabilities are unrealistic. Coming up in a few years… the city budget will
    be burdened will making up the shortfall, and that shortfall will be substantial.
    And no one cares.

    And then… we have Socialists like Zondervan who seem to be willing to
    give in to every “victimization” story that is presented.

    This city has lived off the biotech explosion. That is coming to an end for
    Cambridge and with it the taxes that have helped support the “fluff” that seems
    to be an important part of the city budget. Couple that with the inability of
    over half our grade school children being able to read at grade level, in spite
    of the very high rate of per pupil expenditure, we have a city that “talks a good story”,
    but in reality is run very poorly.

    I like your web site. Could I suggest that you publicize it more, so that
    at least some concerned voters, of which ther are too few, can see what
    is actually happening in Cambridge.


    Concerned 43

    Comment by Concerned43 — January 26, 2023 @ 12:48 pm

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