Cambridge Civic Journal Forum

January 23, 2022

Tee Time for Toddlers – January 24, 2022 Cambridge City Council meeting

Tee Time for Toddlers – January 24, 2022 Cambridge City Council meeting

I’m just trying to figure out if Councillors Nolan, Carlone, Zondervan, and Azeem are trying to take over the Fresh Pond Golf Course. There’s also these:Net Zero Idiots Guide

Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to an update on COVID-19.
Placed on File 9-0

Though still an order of magnitude greater than last summer, positive Covid tests continue to drop quickly as predicted by the wasterwater data. Drops in hospitalizations (and fatalities) generally follow. Cambridge residents continue to exercise greater caution than in most places, and there seems to be little or no cause to impose any additional restrictions. With luck we may even look forward to restrictions being eased within a few weeks.

Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the Cambridge Net Zero Action Plan 2021 Update and Executive Summary.
Referred to Health & Environment Committee 9-0

The documents are interesting, but what I would really like to know is how some of the ideas and proposals translate into requirements, costs, and incentives for various categories of property owners. If I need to do a roof repair or siding replacement on my triple-decker, will I soon be required to make other changes at a significantly increased cost? When my gas-fired boiler reaches the end of its useful life, will I be able to replace it or will I have to reconfigure my whole building and install a completely different heating system? Will mandates come with funding sources? Will new requirements have the unintended consequence of delaying renovations due to added costs? Should a homeowner rush a renovation now before costly new mandates are imposed? How will possible “point of sale” mandates affect decisions about potential improvements and who will bear the added costs? Will requirements for commercial properties lead to relocation? Perhaps we need an “Idiot’s Guide to Net-Zero Requirements” for ordinary people.

Talk Less. Do More.Charter Right #1. That the City Council designates the Chair of Government Operations, Rules, and Claims Committee to serve as the City Council’s designee to coordinate with Randi Frank Consulting, LLC as well as appropriate City officials in carrying out the executive recruitment process for a new City Manager search process. That the City Manager is requested to ask the Purchasing Agent to coordinate with the Chair of Government Operations, Rules and Claims committee to engage the services of the identified Community Engagement Specialist(s) to work with Randi Frank Consulting, LLC in the executive recruitment for a new City Manager. [Charter Right – Simmons, Jan 10, 2022]
Order Adopted 9-0

Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Mayor Siddiqui, transmitting information regarding the Clerk search process.
Placed on File 9-0

Communications & Reports #4. A communication was received from City Auditor, James Monagle, transmitting a memorandum regarding his retirement at the end of his current term.
Placed on File 9-0

At this point my confidence in our elected officials to competently fill all three of the positions for which they have direct control under the Plan E Charter (City Manager, City Clerk, City Auditor) is close to Net Zero. At least one councillor with serious self-loathing issues has already expressed the point of view that only candidates from outside of Cambridge should be considered. My sense is that if they really screw this up there may be an exodus of other prominent City staff.

Resolution #4. Congratulations to Christine Elow on her appointment as Commissioner of the Cambridge Police Department.   Councillor Simmons
Resolution Adopted 9-0

It was an inspired choice by City Manager Louis DePasquale to appoint Christine Elow as Acting Commissioner last August, and this seals the deal. One point worth emphasizing is how much has changed in the ~30 years since the transition was made from Police Chief to Police Commissioner. This was very controversial and political back then, and in the interim all of the Commissioners have come from outside of Cambridge – Perry Anderson, Ronnie Watson, Robert Haas, and Branville Bard. I remember Ronnie Watson once remarking that his intention was to have the command staff become so solid that there would be no need to look outside for his successor. Well, it took a few years but it’s noteworthy that Christine Elow is Cambridge born and bred and rose up through the ranks, and nobody in the political sphere finds it at all controversial that she is now Police Commissioner – especially when you consider the fact that there are continuing conversations about possible restructuring of public safety and how to respond to emergency calls.

Order #2. That the City Manager is hereby requested to confer with the Traffic, Parking and Transportation Department to determine what safety improvements could be made to the area in front of CRLS and the crosswalk on Broadway.   Mayor Siddiqui, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0

This Order brought back a memory from when I first arrived in Cambridge in 1978 and for a long while afterwards. It used to be commonplace for CRLS students heading home after school to purposely walk in the middle of the travel lanes on Broadway – not because it was necessary but just to be defiant. I haven’t seen that so much in recent years. I suppose it all fits under the umbrella described in Bruce Springsteen’s song “Growing Up”, e.g. “when they said ‘sit down’ I stood up.”

Order #3. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant City departments and committees to present a report to the Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts and Celebration Committee which includes information on the history, membership data of golf course users, environmental conditions, and a legal analysis of what uses are currently permitted or what would be involved in changing use for other city needs.   Councillor Nolan, Councillor Carlone, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Azeem
Charter Right – Toner
[Note: There was overwhelming opposition to this Order during Public Comment. The only people speaking in favor of the Order seeking to change the use of the Fresh Pond Golf Course were from “Our Revolution” and the “Cambridge Residents Alliance”.]

I suspect this is all about toppling the perceived aristocracy minus the guillotines. I have never played golf (except miniature golf), but I have never viewed it as a sport of the elite. The Revolutionary Guard within the Cambridge City Council takes on yet another battle to nowhere. Is the latest vacant thought to replace 18 holes with 18 stories? One of the things I like most about Cambridge is the diversity of buildings, densities, and uses – and that includes that fact we somehow can still have a golf course in addition to our current considerable density of housing.

Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to confer with the Inspectional Services Department, the Department of Public Works, the Cambridge Historical Commission and other relevant City departments to determine the feasibility of expediting the Demolition and Rebuilding permitting process in the event of a natural disaster.   Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

Do these three councillors know something about a “natural disaster” to come? Flood? Pestilence? Tornadoes? Actually, the essence of the Order concerns disasters like building fires, so I suppose this is more of a semantic thing rather than planning for the Apocalypse.

Order #5. That the City Council go on record in support of House Bill 965 and Senate Bill 623 that would prohibit the sale of fur, and urge the Massachusetts Senate to pass this bill.   Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 9-0

I learned something new from this Order – raccoon dogs. They’re not racoons. Be like Pat Nixon and wear a respectable Republican cloth coat.

Committee Report #1. The Health & Environment Committee met on Dec 22, 2021 to discuss the BEUDO amendments. [Minutes] [Cover Letter] [Proposed Amendments – red-lined] [Proposed Amendments – clean] [City Solicitor Letter]
Proposed Amendments Referred to Ordinance Committee 9-0

This has been in the works for some time – amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance that was ordained in 2014 that requires energy and water reporting from commercial properties over 25,000 square feet and residential properties over 50 units. It is an essential element of the Net Zero Action Plan (NZAP). It’s not just about disclosure. There are requirements for emissions reduction explicitly in the ordinance: From a Baseline determined in 2018-2019, covered properties are required to reduce emissions to 80% of Baseline by 2025-2029; 60% by 2030-2034; 40% by 2035-2039; 20% by 2040-2044; 10% by 2045-2049; and 0% for 2050 onwards. It remains to be seen if similar requirements may be imposed on smaller residential properties at some point. – Robert Winters

January 19, 2022

Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 533-534: January 18, 2022

Episode 533 – Cambridge InsideOut: Jan 18, 2022 (Part 1)

This episode was recorded on Jan 18, 2022 at 6:00pm. Topics: Police Commissioner Christine Elow and some history of Chief vs. Commissioner; optimistic Covid update; bikes & buses – controversy and alternatives; ideology within Community Development Department; future prospects. Hosts: Judy Nathans, Robert Winters
[On YouTube] [audio]

Episode 534 – Cambridge InsideOut: Jan 18, 2022 (Part 2)

This episode was recorded on Jan 18, 2022 at 6:30pm. Topics: Filibuster and the value of slow legislation; Charter questions – past, present, and future; Envision history; Charter Change while seeking new City Manager, City Clerk (and City Auditor); proportional representation (PR) realities and distortions by single-issue politics; role of planning within CDD vs. responding to partisan petitions; PR revisions for fractional transfers should be part of future Charter revision discussions. Hosts: Judy Nathans, Robert Winters [On YouTube] [audio]

[Materials used in these episodes]

January 18, 2022

Cambridge City Auditor Jim Monagle to retire May 31, 2022

City Auditor Jim Monagle to retire May 31, 2022 at the end of his current 3-year term

Jan 18, 2022 – Under the Plan E Charter, the Cambridge City Council directly hires only 3 people – The City Manager, the City Clerk, and the City Auditor. There is currently a search process underway to identify a successor to City Manager Louis DePasquale when his contract ends on July 5, 2022. City Clerk Anthony Wilson informed the City Council in September that he would be leaving his position when his contract ends on May 31, 2022. Now City Auditor Jim Monagle has informed the City Council that he will be retiring from his position at the end of his contract – also on May 31, 2022.James Monagle

Dear City Council,

After serving as City Auditor for the past 20 years, I am writing to inform you that I plan to retire at the end of my current term, which expires on May 31, 2022. It has been a tremendous honor to serve as City Auditor. I am proud of my record of providing independent and timely oversight of the City’s finances and operations. Working closely with the Council, administration, and my team, I have carried out my duties to ensure that City’s programs are executed legally, efficiently, and effectively. It has been a pleasure working for the City Councils during my tenure.

The role of City Auditor is not always well understood by the public because most of an auditor’s work takes place behind the scenes and is buried in detailed financial reports. The staff of the Auditing Department works tirelessly to promote an honest, effective, and fully accountable City government. The collaborative nature of the auditing team and the passion each employee brings to their role plays a critical role in safeguarding against potential fraud or misuse of City resources. My staff’s attention to detail is responsible for the timely creations of the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Schedule A, and Per-Pupil Report. These documents play a crucial role in providing financial information to the City Council, City Manager, the investment community, the state and federal governments, and the residents of Cambridge.

I have been fortunate to have worked with so many incredibly talented and dedicated staff during my tenure, and I want to thank each of them. I also want to thank the three City Managers I have worked with and each City department. The City Administration has always been collaborative, hardworking, and dedicated to serving the residents of Cambridge.

I want to thank the City Council for placing your trust in me and your dedication to your constituents and the City.

James Monagle
City Auditor

January 17, 2022

Christine Elow Named Permanent Commissioner of the Cambridge Police Department

Filed under: Cambridge — Tags: , , , — Robert Winters @ 1:35 pm

Christine Elow Named Permanent Commissioner of the Cambridge Police Department
Becomes First Woman to Lead the Department and First Cambridge Native to Serve as Permanent Police Commissioner

Jan 17, 2022 – City Manager Louis A. DePasquale today announced Christine Elow has been named the permanent Commissioner of the Cambridge Police Department. She has served as the Acting Police Commissioner since August 2021 when she took over for Commissioner Branville G. Bard, Jr., who accepted an opportunity at Johns Hopkins Institutions. Elow becomes the first woman to lead the Cambridge Police Department since its inception in 1859.

“Over the last six months, I have worked closely with Acting Commissioner Elow, and her leadership, contributions, and collaborative spirit throughout this unprecedented time have been nothing short of impressive,” City Manager DePasquale said. “Ms. Elow has clearly demonstrated to the public and to me that she is the right person to lead the Cambridge Police Department. I am pleased to appoint Christine Elow as the permanent Commissioner for the Cambridge Police Department.”

Elow said, “My entire career has been dedicated to serving the Cambridge community. I grew up in Cambridge and love working in this city. Now, I look forward to building off what we have started since I was named Acting Police Commissioner and am truly honored to have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to lead the department. I will remain committed to bringing change and transformation to public safety and working collaboratively with the community. I plan on doing everything I can to help CPD advance its mission and continue to serve as the model for policing in Massachusetts and the country.”?

“Acting Commissioner Elow has earned the opportunity to lead the Cambridge Police Department on a permanent basis,” Mayor Sumbul Siddiqui said. “She is an exemplary role model and has gained my trust and the trust of many in the community through her leadership, integrity,?and?distinction. As a native Cantabrigian, Christine Elow has a lifelong commitment to our community, and I look forward to working with her in her new role.”

City Councilor E. Denise Simmons said, “I commend our City Manager for formally appointing Christine Elow as the permanent Commissioner of the Cambridge Police Department. Commissioner Elow was born and raised in Cambridge, she has worked hard and risen up through the ranks, and she truly understands this community. She has never forgotten where she has come from, and she understands the importance of forging strong, respectful relationships within the community she serves. I’m thrilled to have a woman of color serving as a powerful, positive example to the many young girls of color living in Cambridge. It is important that the diversity in our leadership positions reflects the diversity in our community, and it leads to better, more responsive policy-making. This is a truly good day for the City of Cambridge.”

Elow has been with the Cambridge Police since joining as an officer in 1995 after serving in the U.S. Navy for four years. She served in the Patrol Division and oversaw the Professional Standards Unit, where she was responsible for receiving, processing, and investigating complaints made against members of the Department. She later served as Deputy Superintendent for Day Patrol and Community Services. In 2017, Elow was appointed Superintendent, making her the highest-ranking female officer in the history of the Department. She is a strong proponent of community-driven policing, juvenile justice issues, procedural justice, police training and innovative hiring practices. Elow holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Curry College and a Master’s Degree from the Naval Postgraduate School’s Center for Homeland Defense and Security Program.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Elow was sworn-in at a private ceremony at the Cambridge Police Department.

Commissioner Elow

January 15, 2022

Election Method Comparison – STV/Cincinnati vs. Fractional Transfer – 2021 Cambridge City Council Election

Filed under: 2021 election,Cambridge,elections — Tags: , , , — Robert Winters @ 2:03 pm

It has been suggested at various times that Cambridge should consider modifications to its current proportional representation election method – especially in regard to its method of distribution of surplus #1 votes using the “Cincinnati Method” which is dependent on the order in which ballots are initially tabulated. An alternate method that is often suggested (but rarely explained) is known as “Fractional Transfer” and various other names. Indeed, the tabulation software currently used by Cambridge (ChoicePlusPro) has Fractional Transfer as its default method, and our own “Cambridge Rules” must be invoked for our local Cambridge elections. The Election Quota is calculated in the same manner, i.e. the total number of valid ballots divided by one more than the number to be elected, rounded up to the nearest integer (or add 1 if a whole number).Vote!

There are several key differences between the Cambridge Rules and Fractional Transfer:
(1) Under the Cambridge Rules, any overvote where the same rank is given to more than one candidate is ignored. Under Fractional Transfer, overvotes may be counted (for example if 4 candidates are given a #1 vote they would each get 0.25 votes) or they may be ignored. This is a choice that would have to be made.

(2) Under the Cambridge Rules, surplus #1 votes are redistributed to the next highest ranked continuing candidates as whole ballots where the whole ballots are chosen via the Cincinnati Method, i.e. every nth ballot where n is the nearest integer to the quotient of the total and the number of surplus ballots. For example, if Quota was 2000 and a candidate had 2600 #1 votes, there would be 600 surplus votes and 2600/600 would be approximately 4.3 and the ballots chosen for redistribution would be (in sequence) #4, #8, #12, etc. Any surplus ballot with no valid next preference would not be transferable and would remain with the #1 choice. Thus there can be no “exhausted” ballots during the surplus distribution. The distribution of surplus ballots continues until the elected candidate’s number of votes is reduced to the Election Quota. If during this surplus distribution another candidate reaches Quota, that candidate would be declared elected and would no longer be eligible to receive additional ballots with any subsequent ballots transferred to the next preference candidate on that ballot still eligible to receive transfers. There are thus two ways in which the initial ballot order can affect the election results – the specific ballots chosen for redistribution and the point at which any other candidate reaches Quota.

Under Fractional Transfer, any elected candidate with surplus votes would have a fraction of ALL ballots transferred to the next preferred continuing candidate with a corresponding weight. For example, if the Quota was 2000 and the candidate had 2500 votes (so the surplus would be 500), then ALL of that candidates ballots would be transferred to the next preferred candidate with a weight of 1/5 or 0.2 with the elected candidate retaining 0.8 of all of all ballots – thus reducing the total to the election quota. In the case where there is no valid next preference, that weight (0.2 in the example) would be exhausted, so there can be ballot exhaustion during the surplus distribution in order for the election to be independent of ballot order. If another candidate reaches Quota during this distribution (or any subsequent surplus distribution), the distribution will continue allowing the newly elected candidate to exceed Quota. A subsequent count will then take place to also reduce that candidates total down to Quota – again transferring a fraction of ALL of that candidate’s ballots in the same manner. Any candidate who has reached Quota at the end of any round is declared elected and becomes ineligible to receive transfers.

(3) Under the Cambridge Rules, after all #1 vote surpluses have been fully distributed, the next Round is the “Under 50” Round where all candidates with fewer than 50 votes at that point are simultaneously defeated and all ballots transferred to next preferred eligible candidates or exhausted if there is no additional valid choice.

Under Fractional Transfer, all candidates who have been “mathematically eliminated” are defeated simultaneously. This means that the sum of all of the votes of those candidates at that point is less than the number of votes for the next lowest candidate. If any continuing candidate reaches Quota during this round, that candidate is declared elected at the end of the round, and any surplus ballots are subsequently redistributed in a subsequent round.

(4) Under the Cambridge Rules, the remainder of the process is a series of runoffs where the candidate with the fewest votes at the end of each round is defeated and all of that candidate’s ballots are transferred to the next highest ranked continuing candidate or exhausted. This continues until the required number of candidates have been elected either by reaching Quota or by having not been defeated at the point where the requisite number of candidates have not been defeated. If any candidate reaches Quota during a round, that candidate is declared elected and is no longer eligible to receive additional ballots. This is another way in which the original ordering of ballots can affect the election outcome. After the initial #1 surplus distributions, no candidate can ever have more than the Election Quota of ballots.

Under Fractional Transfer, the election proceeds in much the same way via a series of runoffs, but whenever a candidate reaches Quota during a round, the count continues until all of the defeated candidate’s ballots have been transferred or exhausted, and any surplus ballots of an elected candidate are transferred in a subsequent surplus distribution round to reduce that elected candidate’s total to Quota. This process continues until the number of candidates is reduced to the number to be elected. In the final round some candidates may go over Quota, but the standard rule is that the election is declared to be complete at that point without any additional surplus distribution.

(5) Under the Cambridge Rules, if a vacancy occurs, the vacancy is filled via a “Vacancy Recount” using only the Quota of ballots that were used to elect that candidate. This is simply a series of runoffs to elect one candidate where all candidates not previously elected are eligible to receive votes (but not including any votes previously received in the original election).

There is no established rule for how a vacancy would be filled under Fractional Transfer. It could be done in the same manner as the Cambridge Rules, but candidates elected in the final round might have a substantial number of surplus ballots compared to any candidates elected during previous rounds all of whom would have exactly a Quota of ballots.

Here is a comparison of three methods for the most recent (2021) Cambridge City Council election: (1) the official results using the Cambridge Rules; (2) Fractional Transfer with overvotes included; and (3) Fractional Transfer with all overvotes ignored. As you can see, the same candidates are elected with the order of election differing slightly and the rounds somewhat different due to differences in the rules – most notably in the introduction of surplus distributions after any candidate reaches Quota during a round.

Official Count:

Fractional Transfer including overvotes:

Fractional Transfer – No Overvotes:

January 10, 2022

Opening Day – What’s on Deck for the January 10, 2022 Cambridge City Council meeting

Opening Day – What’s on Deck for the January 10, 2022 Cambridge City Council meeting?

You really can’t expect too much at the first meeting of a new City Council term, especially with two rookies on the team. Of the 80 items awaiting report from the previous term, 44 have been carried over to the new term (including 5 new ones), and 36 were dispatched to oblivion (a good thing, in my humble opinion).City Hall

I often find myself searching for paradigms. Before diving in with comments and analysis I generally need a way to frame things rather than simply react to the proposals, rhetoric, actions and reactions. This is especially true with the coming of a new year or a new City Council term. I don’t even bother trying to make sense of the Cambridge School Committee anymore.

One paradigm I have been considering lately in regard to the City Council as well as other elected bodies is the nature of representation. Who do our elected representatives really represent – especially in a system that is supposed to be proportional representation? Are the geographical areas of the city proportionally represented? What about viewpoints on various issues, especially in a political context where some advocates are working overtime to convince voters and elected officials that just one or two issues are all that matter? Perhaps more significantly, do our elected officials represent the people of the city or primarily the activists? [One of the initial actions of one newly minted councillors was to meet with activists rather than residents in general. The other newly minted councillor held an open community meeting in North Cambridge.] Suffice to say that the overwhelming majority of Cambridge residents would likely not identify as “activists”.

This is important when you consider some of the recent flash points such as the reconfiguration of North Mass. Ave. in a manner that delights many activists and infuriates many residents and business owners (and their customers who may be driving from elsewhere). We have seen and will likely soon be seeing more densification zoning proposals pushed by activists who see themselves as part of a national movement. There are proposals now before the Council and the City administration having to do with alternate models for police and emergency response. Are these really what residents want or what the activists want? Do our city councillors see their main job as responding to the demands of the activists or reflecting the desires of the residents of the city? I shudder to think about what criteria some councillors may be using to decide on the next City Manager.

I really wish we had a better way to gauge public opinion than the biased views of city councillors, various neighborhood and activist listservs, NextDoor, or Twitter. My perhaps shocking point of view is that Cambridge people are actually pretty normal – but you wouldn’t necessarily know that from all the chatter.

As for the current meeting, here are the agenda items I thought worthy of comment as we get this next term underway:

Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to a COVID-19 update.
Placed on File 9-0

Order #1. That the City Manager is requested to work with the Chief Public Health Officer, the Cambridge Health Alliance, and other relevant City staff to create a “priority line” and/or establish “senior hours” at the City’s Covid-19 testing locations.   Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner
Order Adopted 9-0

I don’t envy the job of a mayor, city manager, or school superintendent during a pandemic or other crisis. You’re likely to be a hero or a villain in the eyes of many people when you are simply trying to do your job, and the determination of hero vs. villain may be a function of things over which you have little control. The impulse to demand that you “do something” such as imposing restrictions or mandates is strong, and as the person in charge you have to weigh those demands against all the practical aspects of actual vs. perceived safety, union contracts, and economic survival of local businesses.

I follow the Covid numbers pretty closely and make new graphs daily in my “Plague Report” – nothing like a little medieval reference to keep your spirits up. What I don’t track (only because the local numbers are hard to access) are hospitalizations and similar measures of severity. Deaths and positive test results are no longer the most relevant measures of this pandemic now that Omicron has spread like a prairie fire with relatively few people dying or getting severely ill (largely thanks to widespread vaccination here). I am always eager to hear more specifics from our public health officials, and I’m grateful that time is set aside every couple of City Council meetings to delve more deeply into the specifics.

Intuitively, I expect that this Omicron prairie fire will burn itself out within a few weeks, but I really have no facts with which to back that up. Some people have been noting the patterns in South Africa, but we really are not all that comparable, especially in terms of vaccination rates. Meanwhile, even if the severity of illness has been tolerable, local businesses are still struggling and some are still closing for good. Suffice to say that the actions of city councillors have not played much of a role in this. This is not meant as a criticism. It’s just that there’s simply not much that they can do. Let’s just hope for an early spring of Red Sox games and reflection of the pandemic past.

Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to the appointment of Assistant City Manager for Fiscal Affairs & Public Investments David J. Kale as a member of the Cambridge Health Alliance Board of Trustees, effective Jan 10, 2022.
Placed on File 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Louis A. DePasquale, City Manager, relative to approval of new appointments and reappointments of members of the Peace Commission for a term of three years. New Appointments: Kaleb Abebe, Annie Brown, Sarah DeMott, Yasmine Hung, Bonnie Talbert; Reappointments: Kazimiera I.H. Fraley, Larry Kim, Elka Kuhlman, David Seeman
Order Adopted 9-0

I suspect that every City Manager appointment this year will be taken as an opportunity to test the waters of the recent ill-advised charter change that gives the City Council veto power over appointments to City boards & commissions. Does this apply to the Cambridge Health Alliance Board of Trustees that was established under a Special Act rather than under the traditional management roles under the Plan E Charter? I don’t think we’ll be seeing any vetoes of appointments to entities like the Peace Commission, but I wouldn’t put it past some councillors to make an issue of it anyway. By the way, there is still no established protocol for how the City Council intends to consider appointments and/or exercise its unfortunate new authority.

Charter Right #1. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to appoint a 20-25 person Cycling Safety Ordinance Implementation Advisory Committee to advise and improve upon the implementation of the citywide bicycle safety infrastructure and to establish recommendations on mitigating any concerns raised in regard to this infrastructure, with the appointments to be announced no later than Jan 31, 2022. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Dec 20, 2021]
Order Adopted as Amended 9-0

Charter Right #2. That the City Manager is requested to convene meetings between his office, the Director of the Traffic, Parking, and Transportation Department, and with the heads of the Neighborhood Business Associations, with the Neighborhood Associations, and within each of the Cambridge Housing Authority’s senior buildings, to ensure that these stakeholders are given the opportunity to collaborate on devising new plans that will inform the City’s approach going forward in establishing citywide bicycle-safety infrastructure that works for bicyclists, motorists, pedestrians, seniors, those with mobility impediments, the local business community, and all our residents. [Charter Right – Zondervan, Dec 20, 2021]
Order Adopted as Amended by Substitution 9-0

Communications: There are 13 letters regarding the North Mass. Ave. roadway changes; 2 supporting the HEART proposal; 1 solicitation re: cable TV franchise fees; 1 on Covid testing; and 34 “sundry communications” on the proposal now being floated by CDD to radically alter residential zoning citywide (33 opposed and 1 in favor).
Placed on File 9-0

It was not so long ago that the idea of having stakeholder meetings and advisory committees would be noncontroversial and desirable – even if that meant some delay due to “processing things to death.” In our new “progressive” environment such community feedback is now viewed as counterproductive and obstructionist. After all, it might slow down the juggernaut. In the last meeting of the previous Council term there were actually people who who spoke out emphatically against these proposals for community input and review. Like it or not but being a “progressive” these days seems to be primarily about increasing and endorsing government control without question.

Resolution #3. Thanks to Peter Daly for his tremendous work as Executive Director of Homeowners Rehab, Inc., over the past 33 years, and in wishing him the very best as he looks to pursue his next exciting chapter.   Councillor Simmons, Mayor Siddiqui

Resolution #5. Resolution on the death of Janet Axelrod.   Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui

I especially like what Library Director Maria McCauley had to say about Janet Axelrod: “It is with sorrow that I write today. One of our longstanding Library champions, Janet Axelrod, passed away on December 26. Janet was the chair of the Board of Library Trustees. She was also one of the founders of the Cambridge Public Library Foundation. Janet was the very best board chair. She cared deeply about accessible library services, the freedom to read, and the privacy rights of users. She understood the complexities of a public library. She was committed to social justice, civil rights, and equity and inclusion work, and she greatly appreciated the staff of the Library and its volunteers.

There are many Cambridge residents who volunteer their time and energy on various City boards & commissions completely independent of the politics of the day. They perform an essential function, and Janet Axelrod was an essential part of this tradition.

Resolution #7. Resolution on the death of legal scholar, civil rights champion, and Cambridge resident Lani Guinier on January 7, 2022 at the age of 71.

Order #2. That Article 20.90 – Alewife Overlay Districts 1-6 of the Cambridge Zoning Ordinance be amended to insert a new section entitled Section 20.94.3- Temporarily prohibited uses.   Councillor Nolan, Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem
Referred to Ordinance Committee & Planning Board 9-0

This is simply a re-filing of this proposed moratorium due to the failure to schedule an Ordinance Committee meeting within the time limits required under state law. That said, I’ll repeat what I said when this was initially introduced: “If the City were to now pass either temporary or permanent zoning changes that significantly decrease the development potential, it sure seems like a good case could be made by the new owners that they should be compensated for that loss. I hope that won’t happen, but this says a lot about the consequences of City Council inaction or lack of a coherent vision.”

Suffice to say that the City Council should have established at least interim zoning for this area several years ago and before a significant amount of real estate changed hands. That, of course, presumes that our elected officials actually have some idea of what they want.

Order #3. That the Mayor is requested to schedule a training session within the month of January for the purpose of reviewing Robert’s Rules of Order with the entire City Council.   Councillor Simmons
Order Adopted 9-0

Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Councillor Mayor Siddiqui, announcing the formal 2022-2023 appointments to the City Council Committees.
Placed on File 9-0

Perhaps at some level it doesn’t really matter who is chosen to be Chair of any given committee, but the practical fact is that committee Chairs do use that role not only to facilitate deliberation but also as a vehicle for their personal political agendas. I simply cannot fathom some of Mayor Siddiqui’s appointments for this term, especially Ordinance and Public Safety. On the other hand, Dennis Carlone is a good match for NLTP, as is Marc McGovern with Human Services. The role of the Gov’t Operations Committee during a time when we’ll be selecting a new City Manager as well as a new City Clerk looms large and consequential. I hope they don’t screw it up. – Robert Winters

January 6, 2022

Toscanini’s has now officially reopened in Central Square

Filed under: Cambridge — Robert Winters @ 5:06 pm

It’s not really open until you cut the ribbon – Toscanini’s has now officially reopened in Central Square

Jan 6, 2022 – Patrick Barrett (property owner) and Gus Rancatore (ice cream man) officially cut the ribbon at the original location of Toscanini’s on Main St. in Central Square. They have been quietly open for the past week, but now it’s officially open (and delicious).

Patrick Barrett and Gus Rancatore cut the ribbon

Gus Rancatore
Gus cuts the ribbon

January 5, 2022

Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 531-532: January 4, 2022

Episode 531 – Cambridge InsideOut: Jan 4, 2022 (Part 1)

This episode was recorded on Jan 4, 2022 at 6:00pm. Topics: Inauguration and Election of Mayor; history of mayoral elections; Plague Report and forecast; committee appointments pending; civility pledge; work vs. inflammatory posturing; prospects for new councillors; failure to produce committee reports; cleaning up old business prior to taking up new business. Hosts: Judy Nathans, Robert Winters
[On YouTube] [audio]

Episode 532 – Cambridge InsideOut: Jan 4, 2022 (Part 2)

This episode was recorded on Jan 4, 2022 at 6:30pm. Topics: Looking ahead; competing proposals for alternate police response; Chapter 30B and contracting for alternatives for police response; HEART proposal – no experience, no qualifications; no expertise; search for City Manager and City Clerk; housing/zoning alternatives, form-based zoning; ideology/movements vs. good ideas and compromise; role of councillors as eyes, ears, thermometer of resident views and concerns vs. imposing ideology on residents. Hosts: Judy Nathans, Robert Winters [On YouTube] [audio]

[Materials used in these episodes]

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