Cambridge Civic Journal Forum

July 30, 2023

Those PH pedestrian beacons…

Filed under: Cambridge — jsallen @ 1:35 pm

The photos below appeared on the home page as of July 30, 2023 but I am posting  them here, to save you the trouble of leaving this page.

These signal faces are novel, as is Cambridge’s wont (and some would say “don’t”). Yes, without an instruction manual, they are confusing. They may or may not have met Federal approval. I’ll make inquiries of my colleagues on the National Committee for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. I suspect that the PH stands for Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon — the kind with flashing red and yellow lights facing the traffic in the street, rather than the usual red-yellow-green. Where in Cambridge are these ped heads (no, I don’t think PH stands for for Ped Head) and are they for a pedestrian hybrid beacon installation?

Cambridge PH ped signals...

July 19, 2023

Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 593-594: July 18, 2023

Episode 593 – Cambridge InsideOut: July 18, 2023 (Part 1)

This episode was recorded on July 18, 2023 at 6:00pm. Topics: Saundra Graham; municipal election updates, candidates; Charter concerns; state of the Council; representatives vs. activists, democrats vs. progressives; the problem with City Council Aides; troubles in the Mayor’s Office; Ned Sennott – reporter-councillor; councillor never meant as a full-time profession. Hosts: Robert Winters, Patrick Barrett [On YouTube] [audio]

Episode 594 – Cambridge InsideOut: July 18, 2023 (Part 2)

This episode was recorded on July 18, 2023 at 6:30pm. Topics: Platform? – just be a representative; School Committee challenges – do the math; School Committee candidates; fallacy of throwing money and expecting solutions; loss of multi-families and disappearance of working/middle class; market distortions; myth of the Cambridge-centric universe; mandates as lazy governance; subculture of smart and reasonable people. Hosts: Robert Winters, Patrick Barrett [On YouTube] [audio]

[Materials used in these episodes]

June 25, 2023

Preview and Postview – June 26, 2023 Cambridge City Council meeting

Preview – June 26, 2023 Cambridge City Council meeting

Here’s the rundown of interesting agenda items before the players run away:On Vacation


Manager’s Agenda #2. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Proposed Clarifications to Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance Amendments discussed at the June 12, 2023 Council Meeting. (CM23#191) [Manager’s memo] [June 22 BEUDO Amendment – clean version] [June 22 BEUDO Amendment – redline version]
pulled by Zondervan; Rules suspended 9-0 to bring forward Unfinished Business #5, Communications & Reports #3; BEUDO Proposal amended 9-0 with CDD language; Amendment by Mallon, Simmons, Toner, and McGovern re: hardships w/hospitals, large health/elder care facilities, and houses of worship (CR#3) – Nolan objects (with a speech), Carlone objects, Siddiqui objects, Amendment Fails 4-5 (AM,MM,DS,PT-Yes; BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); Proposed Amendment to remove residential apartment buildings from Councillors Toner, McGovern and Simmons – Nolan objects (with a speech asserting that at some point the BEUDO restrictions will be made to apply to all residential buildings all the way down to single-family homes, calls those who disagree fear-mongers); Azeem doesn’t like fact that condo owners contacted but not renters; Carlone questions CDD and Ms. Rasmussen explains that all residential buildings will eventually be targeted – especially at any point of sale, time of lease, or time of renovation – with deadlines; Zondervan objects to amendment; Siddiqui asks CDD if they have additional recommendations, Farooq explains why CDD wants to include apartment buildings but exclude condo buildings; City Manager calls this doable, yet quotes use of RECs (Renewable Energy Credits) in Boston – a tax that can be used as a workaround when non-compliant; Toner wants to exclude all large apartment buildings with presumption that they will be addressed soon; McGovern says they’ll go after a single-family home BEUDO mandate soon enough; Nolan asks if dorms would be covered; Farooq talks of voluntary inclusion of dorms by universities [recess], CDD proposes change to campus definition; Toner amendment Fails 4-4-1 (BA,AM,MM,PT-Yes; DC,PN,QZ,SS-No; DS-Absent); CDD Amendment Approved 9-0; On Rules Suspension to allow Simmons to vote on previous (Toner) amendment it is noteworthy that DC,PN,QZ,SS voted against suspension in order to prevent Simmons from casting her (deciding) vote, suspension prevails 5-4; Simmons recorded as Yes, so Toner amendment Prevails 5-4 (BA,AM,MM,PT,DS-Yes; DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); Nolan amendment Approved 9-0; Zondervan proposed amendment to move Net Zero deadlines up to 2025 and 2030 for New Covered Buildings; Nolan expresses appreciation of proposal and desire that no new building use fossil fuels; CDD expresses reservations about amendment and its aggressive standard, challenges buildings will have in meeting this standard – noting the use of “carbon credit” and other compliance taxes as workarounds; Azeem says this is all new to him and hard for him to support tonight, suggests referring to committee along with his desire to have BEUDO apply to all residential buildings; Mallon not supportive of amendment; Zondervan moves to refer his amendment to Ordinance Committee, Mallon objects to referral and suggests including this in discussion of Fossil-Free Demonstration proposal; McGovern notes that electric grid currently maxed-out and 85% fueled by fossil fuels (which makes all of this downright comical); Carlone cries crisis again; City Manager suggests that Council should do a better job at process of policy-making – either pass BEUDO now as it is and save Zondervan proposal for a later day, or delay passage of BEUDO; Motion to refer Zondervan amendment to Ordinance Committee Prevails 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,PT,DS-No); Siddiqui confused about suspension of the rules (clearly motivated by those who did not want Simmons to be allowed to vote); Glowa explains that while a 2/3 vote needed for suspension of the rules, in this case it was technical difficulties on part of Simmons that prevented her from voting; McGovern notes how offensive it would be to prevent Simmons from voting in order to have your way; Toner notes that the recess was partly responsible for the difficulties; Azeem notes that councillors should be generous toward their colleagues; Nolan coldly says that we should follow our rules (really cold, and typically manipulative from Councillor Nolan); Zondervan wants to redo the vote on suspension; Simmons speaks of collegiality. Siddiqui calls for Reconsideration on previous motion to suspend rules – Reconsideration Prevails 7-2 (Carlone, Nolan – No); on Third Attempt, Toner amendment Prevails 6-3 (BA,DC,AM,MM,PT,DS-Yes; PN,QZ,SS-No); They screwed up yet again because of Carlone’s inattention, so another Reconsideration – Prevails 9-0; on Fourth Attempt, Toner amendment Prevails 5-4 (BA,AM,MM,PT,DS-Yes; DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); Simmons, Toner, McGovern, Zondervan, Carlone, Mallon, Nolan, Azeem, Siddiqui speeches; On Final Ordination of BEUDO as Amended: 8-0-0-1 (Simmons – Present); Reconsideration Fails 1-8 (Simmons – Yes); Mgr #2 Placed on File 9-0; Comm & Reports #3 Placed on File 9-0

On The Table #5. Proposed amendment to BEUDO. [Tabled – June 12, 2023]
Removed from Table 9-0; Placed on File 9-0

Unfinished Business #6. Ordinance entitled “Building Energy Use,” Chapter 8.67 of the Municipal Code of the City of Cambridge Building Energy Use Disclosure and Emission Reductions BEUDO (Ordinance 2021-26). [Passed to 2nd Reading June 5, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after June 26, 2023]
BEUDO Proposal amended 9-0 with CDD language; Amendment by Mallon, Simmons, Toner, and McGovern re: hardships w/hospitals, large health/elder care facilities, and houses of worship (CR#3) Fails 4-5 (AM,MM,DS,PT-Yes; BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); Toner amendment to remove residential apartment buildings Prevails 5-4 (BA,AM,MM,PT,DS-Yes; DC,PN,QZ,SS-No); On Final Ordination of BEUDO as Amended: 8-0-0-1 (Simmons – Present); Reconsideration Fails 1-8 (Simmons – Yes); Mgr #2 Placed on File 9-0; Comm & Reports #3 Placed on File 9-0

Communications & Reports #3. A communication was received from Vice Mayor Mallon, transmitting proposed amendments to the Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance.   Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner, Councillor Simmons
Placed on File 9-0

Late Policy Order #8. Policy Order re: creating a BEUDO Compliance Advisory Committee.   Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner
comments by Simmons; Charter Right – Azeem

The word on the street is that some version of BEUDO has the simple majority votes needed to pass. This really should be renamed “Building Energy Use Mandatory Retrofit Ordinance” (BEUMRO) or something similar because this is no longer just about “disclosure”.

Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration pilot. [Fossil Fuel Free Council Submission for June 26 2023] [225 CMR 24.00 (Updated)5.10.23] [Model Rule – Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration Project 5.10.23]
pulled by Zondervan; Rules suspended 9-0 to bring forward Charter Right #1 (with modified language); Comments by Zondervan, Toner, Simmons, Carlone, McGovern (on claims that “celebrity chefs” support this – really?), Nolan (who claims that there has been outreach over many years in support of this – really?, and also equates this with worker health?); Rasmussen (CDD) claims that outreach is being done and that she would like this to be ordained at Summer Meeting; Substitute Language Approved 7-2 (DS,PT-No); Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-0-1 (Toner – No, Simmons – Present); Referred to Ordinance Committee 7-1-0-1 (Toner – No, Simmons – Present)

Charter Right #1. Fossil Fuel-Free Demonstration Pilot. [Charter Right – Zondervan, June 12, 2023]
Substitute Language Approved 7-2 (DS,PT-No); Passed to 2nd Reading 7-1-0-1 (Toner – No, Simmons – Present); Referred to Ordinance Committee 7-1-0-1 (Toner – No, Simmons – Present)

As the proposal states: “the Fossil Fuel-Free Demonstration is to restrict and prohibit new building construction and major renovation projects that are not fossil fuel-free.” This basically would mean that unless large wind turbines sprout up and massive solar arrays cover the city, all new buildings will be forced to rely on an increasingly unreliable electric grid. I can’t even get Eversource to restore the feed to my building that failed over 8 years ago, so Good Luck Cambridge!


Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following person as a member of the Foundry Advisory Committee (FAC). This appointment is for a term of three years; Jameson Johnson.
Appointment Approved 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the Community Preservation Act (CPA) Committee. These appointments are for five years: Elaine DeRosa, Kathy Watkins, Taha Jennings, and David Lyons.
Appointments Approved 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #11. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the Community Benefits Advisory Committee. These appointments are for three years; Anya Bear and Elena Sokolow Kaufman.
Appointments Approved 9-0

Manager’s Agenda #14. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointments of the following persons as a members of the Planning Board. These appointments are for five years; Mary Lydecker, Ashley Tan, Tom Sieniewicz, Adam Westbrook, and Diego Macias.
pulled by Siddiqui; Appointments Approved 9-0

I would love to learn more about the criteria used to select the new Planning Board appointees. I still recall the Government Operations Committee meeting last year where councillors expressed concerns about possibly embarrassing an appointee by exercising their new veto power in open session. It was suggested at that time that they might prevent such discomfort by privately communicating their concerns to the City Manager outside of any open meetings. I have no idea if that’s how things are now playing out, but I do worry that for significant appointments such as the Planning Board, adherence to the agenda of a political group could well be the hidden test.

Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an order requesting the rescission of the remaining amount [$2,600,000] of the loan order authorized by the City Council on May 23,2016 for the construction of the King Open/Cambridge Street Schools & Community Complex.
pulled by Siddiqui; Order Adopted 7-0-1-1 (Azeem – Absent; Simmons – Present)

Manager’s Agenda #12. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 21-60, regarding the review of the Parking Permit Program.
pulled by Toner; comments by Toner, Simmons, Azeem, Nolan; additional clarification from Brooke McKenna; Placed on File 9-0

This addresses the abuse of the Resident Parking Permit Program that had vehicles being rented out on a peer to peer car sharing model as part of a business enterprise. Nothing like using our dwindling supply of on-street parking to run a car rental business. Enough!

Manager’s Agenda #13. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report #23-29, regarding the legal opinion for issuing bonds for affordable housing.
pulled by Zondervan; comments by Zondervan (It’s not a hard “No”), Nolan; clarification by City Solicitor Nancy Glowa (It is a hard “No”); Placed on File 9-0

I can hear the hearts breaking among councillors who would like nothing better than to dip even further into the pockets of residential and commercial taxpayers to the tune of the half billion dollars that had been suggested. Solicitor: “Therefore, given that there is no general statutory authority to borrow for the purpose of affordable housing, if the City wishes to borrow for such purpose and does not want to do so under the specific statutory authority available under Chapter 44B, the City would be required to seek special legislation.” I can almost hear the fingers tapping on the keyboards drafting yet another Home Rule Petition to gather dust on Beacon Hill.

Manager’s Agenda #15. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to a Planning Board report recommending that the City Council not adopt the Franklin, et al., Zoning Petition.
Referred to Petition 9-0

Among other things, the Planning Board report has this to say: “Board members were unsure as to whether the proposed zoning changes would actually have the effect of reducing housing costs. Board members expressed concern that the proposed changes could have the opposite effect, resulting in the creation of more high end units, as the development potential of the parcels would also be increased. There was also some doubt expressed about whether the dimensional standards proposed were the “right ones”, and Board members expressed support for studying the proposed standards in greater detail to understand if they would complement the existing, prevailing development pattern in many parts of the City.” … “Many Board members felt that the Petition was too broad-brush to be particularly effective. Board members agreed that an overhaul of the City’s zoning should be accompanied by detailed study and a more robust public involvement process than what exists in a public hearing process as part of a zoning petition.” – True that.

Manager’s Agenda #16. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to PO23#49, regarding the review of multi-family properties on the market for potential affordable housing acquisitions.
pulled by Carlone; remarks by Carlone, Chris Cotter (CDD Housing), Nolan; Placed on File 9-0

The Manager’s communication is worth the read, but at some point everyone should take a step back and consider what the net effect and unintended consequences of this and related proposals (AHO on steroids, real estate transfer tax, dedicating 10% of the entire City Operating Budget, etc.) might be. It’s hard to “Envision”.

Manager’s Agenda #17. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to an update on Summer Programs. [text of report]
pulled by Simmons; comments by Simmons; comments by Liz Speakman (Community Safety Department), Ellen Semonoff, City Manager Huang, Carlone; Placed on File 9-0


Manager’s Agenda #18. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-37, regarding a Policy of Releasing Names of Officers and Use of Force. [text of report]
pulled by Zondervan; mumbling comments by Zondervan (wants to know when inquest will be completed, wants to know why officer names cannot be released); clarification by Police Commissioner Christine Elow, City Manager Huang, City Solicitor Glowa (notes that restriction by court applies to release of officer names); Placed on File 9-0

The Party for Socialism & Liberation kids will not be pleased. The adults in the room will continue to honor due process.

Manager’s Agenda #19. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to request that the City Council vote to designate the members of the Charter Review Committee as special municipal employees pursuant to G.L. c. 268A.
pulled by Siddiqui; clarification by City Solicitor Glowa; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Mallon – Absent)

I don’t get this. These are volunteers.

Charter Right #2. Golf Course Demographic Information PO. [Charter Right – Zondervan, June 12, 2023] (PO23#117)
comments by Zondervan (who invokes “racism”), Nolan, Toner, Simmons (what will we do with this information?); Order Adopted 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,DS,PT-No)

As I said two weeks ago: “I don’t really know how we got to the point of recording racial and other characteristics of people who choose to play golf. This is madness. Let’s also not forget that City Council Order from January 2022 that suggested closing part of the golf course in favor of such things as high density affordable housing development. That original Order was proposed by Councillors Nolan, Carlone, Zondervan, and Azeem.”


Charter Right #3. That the City Manager is requested to amend the Cambridge Math Circle budget up by $100,000 annually. [Charter Right – Toner, June 12, 2023] (PO23#118)
comments by Toner, Carlone, Mallon; Rules suspended to bring forward Comm & Reports #2; Mallon objects to this Order because “other nonprofits” not getting this funding; comments by Simmons, McGovern, Nolan, Siddiqui, Carlone (who notes that Council was OK with asking for add’l funding for CHA), Azeem; Order Adopted 5-4 (BA,DC,PN,QZ,SS-Yes; AM,MM,DS,PT-No)

Communications & Reports #2. A communication was received from Councillor Dennis Carlone, transmitting a document with supplementary information about Cambridge Math Circle. (COF23#114)

Charter Right #4. City Council support for MIT GSU’s right to a fair contract. [Charter Right – Toner, June 12, 2023] (PO23#119)
comments by Toner, Zondervan (accusing Toner of being a “union buster”), McGovern, Simmons; Toner Proposed Amendments (striking several “WHEREAS” clauses) Fail 2-7 (DS,PT-Yes); Order Adopted 8-0-0-1 (Toner-Present)

177 Communications – mainly AHO and Bike Lanes

Resolution #12. Congratulations to David J. Kale on his retirement from the City of Cambridge.   Councillor Toner, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Carlone

I’ll miss seeing David around City Hall, but I hope to see him around town so that we can continue our regular conversations about baseball (and occasionally municipal finance and other crunchy topics).

Order #1. That the City Manager be and hereby is requested to work with the Law Department to review the proposed amended ordinance language and to work with the Law Department and the Historical Commission to provide an explanation of the legal standard that is used to compel changes or deny projects reviewed by the Historical Commission or Neighborhood Conservation District Commissions and report back to the full City Council by Aug 7, 2023.   Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone – Absent)

I continue to have serious concerns about the efforts of some activists to eviscerate historic preservation in this historic city.


Order #2. That the City Manager is requested to issue an RFP calling for an agency that will lead the City through a community process with all stakeholders that will include community education, feedback, location possibilities, and potential legal issues as it relates to Overdose Prevention Centers.   Councillor McGovern, Councillor Zondervan, Vice Mayor Mallon
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone – Absent)

Committee Report #1. The Human Services and Veterans Committee held a public hearing on Tues, June 13, 2023 from 3:00pm-5:00pm to discuss Overdose Prevention Sites, previously referred to as Safe Consumption Sites. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (Carlone – Absent)

Councillor McGovern wants desperately to site such a facility in the heart of Central Square. As I have often said at various meeting regarding the future of Central Square: “We should plan for the Central Square we would like to see in the future, and not around those things we feel we are stuck with in the present.” You can change the names all you like, but this is basically a Drug Abuse Enabling Center.

Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to work with relevant departments, local business associations, and local businesses to communicate to all retail businesses operating in Cambridge to encourage them to keep doors closed when operating cooling systems and inform them of other energy saving tools.   Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Zondervan
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone – Absent)

What, no mandate? No ordinance? No fine?

Order #5. That the City Manager is requested to consider measures to improve the Cycling Safety Ordinance Business Impact Study.   Councillor Nolan, Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Vice Mayor Mallon
pulled by Toner; comments by Nolan; Charter Right – Toner

Translation – Please pay no attention to what residents and businesses are actually saying and experiencing.

Order #6. That the Human Services & Veterans Committee hold a public hearing to discuss options for addressing the situation at Central House.   Councillor Zondervan, Councillor McGovern, Mayor Siddiqui
Order Adopted, Referred to Human Services & Veterans Committee 8-0-1 (Carlone – Absent)

FYI – “Central House” is the Central Square YMCA building.

Order #7. That the City Council go on record in enthusiastic support of H.R.1433, the Philippine Human Rights Act, and in urging Representatives Katherine Clark and Ayanna Pressley to co-sponsor the existing bill.   Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Nolan; comments by Zondervan; Charter Right – Zondervan

Councillor Azeem announced recently that he would no longer be voting for foreign policies Orders such as this one. Regardless of sentiments expressed in Orders such as this, they really have no place in the Sullivan Chamber. – Robert Winters

Late Resolution #16. Condolences to the family of Saundra Graham.   Councillor Simmons, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Toner
comments by Simmons, McGovern; Resolution Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone – Absent)

Late Resolution #18. Resolution on the death of Norman Thomas McIver.   Councillor Toner
Resolution Adopted 8-0-1 (Carlone – Absent)

June 24, 2023

2023 Cambridge Municipal Election: Nomination Papers

2023 Municipal Election: Nomination Papers

Vote!June 20, 2023 – Nomination papers for City Council and School Committee will be available beginning Monday, July 3rd at the Election Commission office, 51 Inman Street, Cambridge. The office will be open on Monday, July 3rd from 8:30am until 8:00pm. The deadline to file nomination papers is Monday, July 31, 2023, at 5:00pm. The 2023 Municipal Election Calendar is posted on the Commission’s website: [Calendar]

The requirements to run for City Council or School Committee are:

1. The person must be a registered voter in Cambridge. To register, one must be 18 years of age by Election Day, a U.S. citizen and a resident in the City of Cambridge.

2. The person must file no fewer than fifty (50) and no more than one hundred (100) certifiable signatures of registered voters in the City of Cambridge.

The Commission has prepared an information kit for candidates containing important dates, Commission policies, services and publications. The kits will be available with the nomination papers on July 3rd.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7, 2023.

June 20, 2023

Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 591-592: June 20, 2023

Episode 591 – Cambridge InsideOut: June 20, 2023 (Part 1)

This episode was recorded on June 20, 2023 at 6:00pm. Topics: Charter history; municipal election updates; activists are not representatives; problem of single-issue candidates and organizations; recollections of Independents vs. Cambridge Civic Association (CCA); current inability to evaluate and modify; the problem with pledges; questionable effectiveness of BEUDO and other climate-related ordinances; voluntary actions vs. City Council mandates. Hosts: Robert Winters, Patrick Barrett [On YouTube] [audio]

Episode 592 – Cambridge InsideOut: June 20, 2023 (Part 2)

This episode was recorded on June 20, 2023 at 6:30pm. Topics: Grading the 2022-23 City Council on a curve; local initiatives written by national players; ideology vs. effectiveness; theory vs. reality in residential development; cumulative effect of regulations; few prospects for evaluation and revision; working with economics vs. fighting it; fallacy of command and control; idiocy of conjugating the Charter Right; citizen outrage as a barometer of policy failure; responsiveness vs. unresponsiveness of elected officials; municipal election mode – all goodness and light. Hosts: Robert Winters, Patrick Barrett [On YouTube] [audio]

[Materials used in these episodes]

June 11, 2023

BEUDO + AHO = Performance Art

BEUDO + AHO = Performance Art – a message from Patrick Barrett

June 11, 2023

Mayor Siddiqui and Cambridge City Council,Patrick Barrett

I am asking you to do a couple of things tomorrow night but first and foremost I ask that you attempt to take a look at the current state of our city. We are teetering on breaking into a billion dollar budget where our schools consistently underperform and nearly 8% of families have abandoned the system in just the last couple of years, small and large businesses are still failing at an accelerated rate burdened by excess pandemic debt and an ecosystem that has evaporated, Kendall Square is facing a 30% vacancy rate, drug dealers own Central Square emboldened enough to mug and strip a man naked in broad daylight for failure to pay a drug debt, and the general sense among those who do the work is that we are currently leaderless. Where in all of this is our City Council, Manager, and Department Heads? In truth many of you have little to no substantive connection to the City at all. Most of you do not have young or school aged children. Most of you do not now nor have you ever run a business in Cambridge. Most have not built the home they live in or any structure in Cambridge. Some have lived here generationally and that is terrific but we are talking policy and whether you’ve lived here for a day or seven centuries there are those with “skin in the game” and those that have none. Most, if not all of you, are activists each having their own area of “expertise” where the actual power to drive policy on these issues rests with the State or Federal government not the Cambridge City Council. Thus as stewards of the city you’ve very little that directly impacts you regarding schools, business, development, crime or even the lofty goals of your activism. Do any of you own or live in a BEUDO property? Are any of you currently on the waiting list for affordable housing? Do any of you have a child waiting to take algebra in 8th grade only to find out that has been taken off the table? I could go on for days … this takes me to Monday night:

1) The AHO has always bothered me. It is a set of rules specially designed for a small group of developers with direct access to municipal funds that allows them to ignore anachronistic and obtuse zoning rules everyone else has to obey. If you are a homeowner and want to add additional bedroom or play room for your growing family it likely means a variance or special permit you’re never going to get but for the AHO developer there is no such impediment. It seems an odd result that home owners and property owners should face such steep headwinds for minor quality of life adjustments and that for a small group of developers they can simply do whatever they like. The amendment to the AHO is another reminder to me that when it comes to housing policy and zoning we really are just winging it. Anyone who builds anything (which is none of you currently on the Council) knows very well that 12-15 stories or infinity stories as previously contemplated is highly likely to produce nothing. Your current inclusionary zoning is so horribly broken your director of CDD is doing backflips to hide this fact. When San Francisco reduces from 25% to 12% and says it still doesn’t work you can bet the same rules apply here or worse. Lastly, you received a communication from Susan Connelly last week that is the most coherent salient and informative communication I’ve ever read on the subject and you’d all be wise to read what she says and listen to her. 100% spot on. I hope you hit the pause button on this one and become a serious legislative body again. I do not care about heights, density, or anything else the so called NIMBY folk are accused of (the whole nimby v yimby game is another level of performance art) but I do care about results and like the 99.9% of Cambridge citizens who are not City Councillors it is baffling that we should face so many real immediate issues and yet you’ve chosen to not address any of them but instead have spent a year or more on what is essentially small town theatre.

2) BEUDO is another performative piece of legislation on the docket for Monday night. Will it reduce greenhouse gases in commercial and residential buildings? Of course not. The grid is 80-85% fossil fuel based and likely to stay so well past the 2030’s. CDD identified 20 buildings as the largest producers of GHGs in the city all of which are labs that will be exempt of gas hook up bans and are well capitalized enough to weather this new tax. Why focus on 20 buildings producing more than 50% of our GHGs when you can draft an incoherent set of rules that will devastate the least able to bear it? BUEDO will make residents and business owners rip out perfectly functional HVAC equipment, displace commercial and residential tenants, and further compress our economy during the worst commercial financing conditions of our time. This is obviously the work of people who do not trouble themselves with the details. Further, the amount of resources Eversource will now have to redirect to Cambridge will deny essential resources to other communities on the State’s 2050 timeline and create more havoc when the infrastructure we need rapidly needs to be located within our communities. You still haven’t even addressed the building to building or citywide infrastructure needed for any of this to work; unless of course this was all just about the tax. One billion dollar budget and you need a new tax? Really? Further, our 6.32 square mile billion dollar city will be pushing the remaining 10,559 square miles to the side so we can not only be “first” but the only one out in front of the State. This isn’t “green washing,” it’s “green bullying” and something as a City and as individual residents we should only feel shame in being a part of. To anyone watching, and there weren’t many, the entire “process” was a sham. CDD has ceased to adequately function for at least a decade now but their “work” on BEUDO highlighted a deep and powerful incompetence that I personally found stunning. However I think much like the Council, CDD is also primarily comprised of activists. Thus we have lots of policy and very little substance. In the end this will hurt any individual with a commercial or residential property swept up in a tax scheme they cannot comply with. In effect Cambridge is sending a message through this Council to pack up and leave … only MIT and Harvard need apply. Message heard. In the meantime I ask that you vote Zondervan’s amendment down. CDD did not include it for good reason and what little policy was shaped by a transparent process with actual stakeholders ought to be preserved if for no other reason to not add more drama to the second act.

3) Gas Hook-Up ban. The final act in local theatre production is another light on substance heavy on pain for small businesses and especially those in the restaurant industry. I do not think there is anyone on the City Council who works in or owns a restaurant; yet another example of no skin in the game. We should absolutely NOT sign on the pilot program. We passed the specialized stretch code and we are about to pass BEUDO. We do not need any further constraints on small businesses. The pain of the pandemic which this Council absolutely exacerbated in yet another performative opera of incompetence is still very much with us. Restaurants will be feeling this pain for a generation. In Central Square only 11% of restaurants received any relief and even the ones that did closed. Gas hook-ups are essential to many different types of cuisine and are still industry standard though I do recall Councillor Nolan and Susan Rasmussen both stating the “high end” chefs prefer induction. I asked at the time for a source and am still waiting. It might be worth mentioning that induction stoves cost more, require specialized pots and pans, and are about 4-5 times more costly to fix … I know I know … details right? This type of prohibition was blocked by the Ninth Circuit court fought by a Restaurant lobby only a few short months ago. Lastly, the pilot will not affect medical facilities nor will it affect labs and that is how we know that this is yet another piece of performance art. Gas stoves are used by many Cambridge residents and chefs, and it’s hard to imagine in the home of Julia Childs we could be so neglectful to this industry. Do not approve this policy order and do not join this so called pilot program … you’ve all done enough damage for one Monday.

There is so much more going on in our city besides affordable housing and regurgitated faux environmental policies that are currently failing everywhere they’ve been adopted. No matter what we do we cannot be “The First.” However we do have it within us to be The Model, but only if we pull back and get serious people in the room. We can get to better places on housing, environmental issues, crime/policing, and more but not with activists who only read the CliffsNotes nor a Community Development Department that is at its core broken. In the meantime please vote down Zondervan’s amendment and put the breaks on any AHO amendment to merge this policy with a comprehensive strategy that includes market rate housing and fixes inclusionary; a real housing policy for Cambridge. I would be remiss in not mentioning that this year will be C2’s tenth birthday. Ten years have passed since we had the chance to rezone and create thousands of new housing units in one of the last places in Cambridge to truly redevelop, but instead of working on that we push a bunch of nonsense that will produce nothing but distrust and enmity among residents; why? I’m not really much of a critic of the arts but this is absolutely the worst play I’ve ever seen.

PS: to those who act, perform, sing, and dance in actual theatre I love you and mean no harm.

Patrick W. Barrett III

June 9, 2023

Preview – June 12, 2023 Cambridge City Council meeting

Preview – June 12, 2023 Cambridge City Council meeting

Tis the season for pushing through political agendas prior to the ever-important business of gathering nomination signatures and soliciting support during the lead-up to the November municipal election. Here are the items that struck me this week like a velocipede blowing through a red light:City Hall

Manager’s Agenda #1. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the proposed structure for the Cambridge Community Electricity program (CCE) for the period 2024-2025. [presentation]
pulled by Nolan; comments by PN, QZ, BA, DS; Placed on File 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Manager’s Agenda #3. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-31, regarding potential amendments to the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO).
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ, MM, DC, Iram Farooq explains that CDD supports disparate zoning standards for different developers; Mallon cuts off Carlone’s questions; Carlone explains that City purchasing land for the purpose of building mixed-use projects would be the preferred route; Simmons and Azeem are all-in for “sky’s the limit” amendments to AHO; Nolan expresses concern about changes to open space and setback requirements; Farooq comments sound almost like she works for the housing developers; AM comments; Amended language adopted as a City Council zoning petition 8-0-1 (SS-Absent); Referred to Planning Board and Ordinance Committee 5-3-1 (BA,AM,MM,DS,QZ-Yes; DC,PN,PT-No; SS-Absent)

The ABC propagandists have been lighting up their mailing lists over this proposal to accelerate the transition from relatively dense residential housing to extra-high density subsidized housing in the Squares and along all of the major “corridors” in Cambridge. Expect a long line of Zoom speakers reading scripted comments. It should be noted that this proposal is not currently in the queue of proposed zoning amendments. It is likely that some version of this will now be put in the queue to be considered during the next several months and likely be woven prominently into upcoming political campaign propaganda and used to malign anyone who opposed or even questions to “wisdom” of the proposal.

A sampler of what is proposed:

  • There shall be no maximum FAR for an AHO Project within an AHO Square or AHO Corridor.
  • There shall be no minimum lot area per dwelling unit for an AHO Project.
  • Where the District Dimensional Standards set forth a maximum residential building height of more than 65 feet, an AHO Project shall contain no more than 13 Stories Above Grade and shall have a maximum height of 150 feet. [The proposal had called for buildings in areas zoned for heights above 50 feet to go up to 9 stories with a maximum height of 80 feet, but after “consultation with local affordable housing builders”, CDD jacked up all of the proposed maximums.
  • An AHO Project within an AHO Square shall contain no more than fifteen (15) Stories Above Grade and shall have a maximum height of one hundred and seventy (170) feet….
  • An AHO Project within an AHO Corridor shall contain no more than twelve (12) Stories Above Grade and shall have a maximum height of one hundred and forty (140) feet….
  • An AHO Project shall have no minimum front yard setback.
  • An AHO Project shall have no minimum side yard setback.
  • An AHO Project shall have a minimum rear yard setback of 15 feet. [CDD revised this down from 20 feet.]

We really need to ask that a new hand be dealt in this November’s municipal election.

Manager’s Agenda #4. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Policy Order 2023 #81 directing City staff to recommend what new city regulations and council action or changes to existing regulations or ordinances are needed to put in place in order to implement the Craig Kelley et al. Zoning Petition for residential car sharing and renting of EV charging stations. [cover letter] [CDD memo] [Solicitor’s Legal Opinion]
pulled by Nolan; Unf. Bus. #2 before Council; comments by Nolan; Petition language amended by substitution of CDD language 8-0-1 (SS-Absent); QZ, DC comments; Ordained as Amended 7-1-1 (DC-No; SS-Absent)

Unfinished Business #2. An Ordinance has been received from Craig Kelley et al, relative to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Cambridge regarding EV and car share Zoning change. [Passed to 2nd Reading May 15, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after June 5, 2023; Expires Aug 1, 2023] (ORD23#2) [First Publication]
Petition language amended by substitution of CDD language 8-0-1 (SS-Absent); QZ, DC comments; Ordained as Amended 7-1-1 (DC-No; SS-Absent)

As I have stated before, this is a fundamentally good idea with potential unintended consequences – not the least of which would be resident homeowners with parking spaces relocating their vehicles to on-street parking in order to operate their EV-equipped driveways and yards as a commercial enterprise. I am sure that apps will follow to direct people to these addresses just like Airbnb and Waze. Another question would be whether a portion of the residential property should then be taxed at commercial property tax rates.

Manager’s Agenda #5. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to Awaiting Report Item Number 23-27, regarding the Charter Review Timeline Legal Opinion Request. [Solicitor’s Legal Opinion]
pulled by Nolan; comments by Nolan, Zondervan, Azeem; responses by City Solicitor Nancy Glowa, Election Commission Exec. Director Tanya Ford-Crump; Nolan expresses desire to have a Special Election in 2024; Placed on File 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Late Order #8. That the City Manager is requested to have the Legal Department answer several questions related to the timeline on voting a possible charter change.   Councillor Nolan
comments by PN, MM, DC; Order Adopted 6-1-1-1 (QZ-No, SS-Absent, DS-Present)

Under G.L. c. 43B, §11, a proposed charter amendment approved by the City Council pursuant to a two-thirds vote and approved by the Attorney General shall be submitted to the voters for their approval or disapproval at the “first regular city election” … “held at least two months after the order proposing such charter amendment becomes effective.” (Nov 4, 2025 at the earliest) An alternative would be that “Upon local approval by vote of the City Council, the charter or charter change can be filed as a bill by a member of the City’s delegation to the General Court, with the bill proceeding through the legislative process in the same manner as other legislation. … The special legislation, if passed by the Massachusetts General Court and enacted and signed by the Governor, would then go before the voters on the next municipal ballot.” … “The election on potential amendments to the City’s charter could theoretically be conducted during either the City’s biennial municipal election or the City’s biennial state election, depending on the final language in the home rule petition that the state legislature approves and the Governor signs. Likewise, the language … does not preclude the City from requesting a special election on potential charter amendments in its home rule petition to the state legislature. … The state legislature may object to a local election detracting from the state/federal election in the state’s fourth largest municipality. Tanya Ford, the Executive Director of the Election Commission, has noted that conducting two simultaneous separate elections on the same day would also require increasing staffing and resources.”

I don’t believe that the current City Council would be so reckless as to rush through such an important matter, but there are clearly precedents for such recklessness.

Manager’s Agenda #6. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the recommendation of the following appointments and reappointments of members to the Avon Hill, Half-Crown-Marsh, and Mid Cambridge Neighborhood Conservation District (NCD) Commissions. These appointments are for three years and are effective June 12, 2023 unless otherwise noted; Levin Campbell, Ruby Booz, Aaron Kemp, Donna Marcantonio, James Van Sickle, Kathryn Moll, Nan Laird, Catherine Tice and Charles Redmon
Appointments Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Manager’s Agenda #7. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointments and reappointments of the following person as members of the Commission on Immigrant Rights and Citizenship (CIRC) Commission for a term of three years effective June 12, 2023; Maximus Daniel De Medici, Debra Klein, Vanessa Sarmiento, Tsamchoe Dolma and Ana D. Mejia
Appointments Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Manager’s Agenda #8. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appointment of the following persons as members of the Public Arts Commission (PAC) for a term of three years, effective June 12, 2023; Diana Smith, John Ravenal, Frank Shirley, Jennifer Lawrence, Gabrielle Domb and Keisha Greaves.
Appointments Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Will this be the moment when the City Council invokes its veto power to reject volunteers to City boards who fail to meet their ideological and other tests? Even more problematic (and as suggested in prior meetings of the Government Operations Committee), are city councillors quietly vetting candidates prior to the City Manager’s appointments? Inquiring minds would like to know. How might that jibe with the usual claims of “transparency” – let alone the Open Meeting Law? We are currently in unchartered waters.

Manager’s Agenda #10. A communication transmitted from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the establishment of a Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Stabilization Fund.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Manager’s Agenda #11. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $10,000,000 from Free Cash to the Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Stabilization Fund. Funds appropriated to and held by the UPK Stabilization Fund, will be expended for the provision of programs and services related to establishing, maintaining and expanding a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program and other early childhood programs in the City of Cambridge.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Manager’s Agenda #12. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $1,000,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Department of Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account for technical assistance in assessing and implementing the City’s Building Energy Use Disclosure Ordinance (BEUDO) for new and existing City-owned buildings.
Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Manager’s Agenda #13. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $250,000 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Department of Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account, for a conditions assessment and preliminary feasibility study for the City’s property at 119 Windsor Street.
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ; responses from Deputy City Manager Owen O’Riordan; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

Manager’s Agenda #14. Transmitting Communication from Yi-An Huang, City Manager, relative to the appropriation of $660,866.80 from Free Cash to the Public Investment Fund Public Works Extraordinary Expenditures account. Funding will support projects to convert inefficient lighting to energy-saving LEDs at the Healy Public Safety Building, Main Library, Alice K Wolf Building, Longfellow-Broadway School and First Street Garage.
pulled by Nolan; comments by PN, BA, DC, QZ; Order Adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

“As of June 12, 2023, the City’s Free Cash balance is $142,269,242 from an initial certified amount of $199,259,756.” These appropriations would further reduce that. Many people have also suggested that substantial commercial tax abatements may be forthcoming which would, presumably, further reduce our unreserved fund balance.

Charter Right #1. That the Transportation and Public Utilities and Neighborhood & Long-Term Planning, Public Facilities, Arts & Celebration Committees work with the City Manager and appropriate city departments and staff, to hold a joint hearing to receive input from city staff and the community to review the effectiveness and develop recommendations on methods to collect data and establish measurable benchmarks and standards as it relates to the Cycling Safety Ordinance. [Charter Right – Azeem, June 5, 2023]
Azeem comments and amendments; Toner, Nolan, Zondervan, Carlone, McGovern comments; original sponsors added to substitute order 7-1-1 (QZ-No, SS-Absent); Amendments Adopted 7-1-1 (QZ-No, SS-Absent); Order Adopted as Amended 7-1-1 (QZ-No, SS-Absent)

This should again bring lots of public comment. The only real question is what particular phrasing Councillor Azeem will propose to effectively say “that under no circumstance shall any data collected, benchmarks, or standards in any way alter any provisions or timelines of the Cycling Safety Ordinance. “and the Judge wasn’t going to look at the twenty seven eight-by-ten color glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was to be used as evidence…”

Unfinished Business #3. Ordinance entitled “Building Energy Use,” Chapter 8.67 of the Municipal Code of the City of Cambridge Building Energy Use Disclosure and Emission Reductions BUEDO (Ordinance 2021-26) [Passed to 2nd Reading June 5, 2023; To Be Ordained on or after June 26, 2023] [First Publication]

Order #1. Proposed amendment to BEUDO.   Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Zondervan; comments by QZ who wanted to exercise Charter Right (cannot), Tabled 7-1-1 (PT-No, SS-Absent)

Order #2. Fossil Fuel Free Demonstration Pilot.   Councillor Zondervan, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Zondervan; comments by MM, QZ; Charter Right – Zondervan

Regarding these proposals, I refer you to the remarks of Patrick Barrett who understands these issues far better than any of the currently elected city councillors. It’s getting beyond tiresome when late amendments arrive with virtually zero time for members of the public and affected property owners to digest them.

Order (withdrawn). That the City Manager is requested to work with the Executive Director of the Cambridge Housing Authority to extend the deadline for submitting applications to fill the Resident Board Member vacancy on the CHA Board of Commissioners, and to invite the Alliance of Cambridge Tenants to submit a list of names for this position.   Councillor Zondervan

The deadline has already been extended. Meanwhile, the “Alliance of Cambridge Tenants” is in chaos with some of its most prominent figures either resigning or being excluded. It would seem that the Cambridge Housing Authority is exercising an alternative option by posting the open position in the common spaces of all of its properties. It’s also quite possible that the current board member may be reappointed which would make this whole matter moot.

Order #3. Golf Course Demographic Information PO.   Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Carlone
pulled by Toner; comments by QZ, PT, PN, DC, MM, AM; Charter Right – Zondervan

I don’t really know how we got to the point of recording racial and other characteristics of people who choose to play golf. This is madness. Let’s also not forget that City Council Order from January 2022 that suggested closing part of the golf course in favor of such things as high density affordable housing development. That original Order was proposed by Councillors Nolan, Carlone, Zondervan, and Azeem.

Order #4. That the City Manager is requested to amend the Cambridge Math Circle budget up by $100,000 annually.   Councillor Carlone, Mayor Siddiqui, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Nolan
pulled by Carlone; comments by DC, PN (add as cosponsor), PT; Charter Right – Toner

This is a worthwhile proposal definitely worth funding, but the real question is: “Why is this proposal coming from three city councillors?” Isn’t this the province of the Cambridge School Committee? I would really like to better understand the background of why this is coming in as a City Council Order.

Order #5. City Council support for MIT GSU’s right to a fair contract.   Councillor Azeem, Councillor Zondervan
pulled by Toner; comments by BA, PT; Charter Right – Toner

Order #6. That the Home Rule Petition titled “PETITION FOR AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE TO EMPLOY AUTOMATED ENFORCEMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE” be forwarded to the state delegation in order to forward to the General Court for adoption.   Councillor Nolan, Vice Mayor Mallon, Councillor Azeem, Councillor Carlone, Councillor McGovern, Councillor Simmons, Councillor Toner, Councillor Zondervan, Mayor Siddiqui
pulled by Zondervan; comments by PN; QZ motion to make unanimous adopted 8-0-1 (SS-Absent); Order Adopted as Amended 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

I love the contradictory positions of this City Council being suspicious of surveillance and now potentially in favor of automatic traffic enforcement. That said, the background of this Order is pretty clearly an effort to jump on yet another nationwide bandwagon questioning the use of uniformed police officers to enforce traffic laws. It’s worth noting the provision: “No photographs taken in conformance with this chapter shall be discoverable in any judicial or administrative proceeding other than a proceeding held pursuant to this chapter without a court order. No photograph taken in conformance with this chapter shall be admissible in any judicial or administrative proceeding other than in a proceeding to adjudicate liability for such violation of this chapter without a court order.” In contrast, when a police officer does a traffic stop there’s always the possibility that there may be outstanding warrants (or worse).

Committee Report #1. The Ordinance Committee held a public hearing on Wed, May 24, 2023 on the Citizens Zoning Petition received from Charles Jessup Franklin et al., regarding allowing new construction hat is similar in size and shape as existing buildings for the purpose of promoting housing and first floor retail. [text of report]
Report Accepted, Placed on File 8-0-1 (SS-Absent)

I’m not sure where this is headed, but I would love to read what the Planning Board has to say. As I stated last week: “The Franklin et. al. Petition would essentially double and triple allowable densities broadly across all residential zones and mixed-use zones. Though it claims to be an effort to “restore” the right to build structures similar in size and shape as existing buildings, this is entirely not the case in most areas that would be affected by the proposed zoning change. It also substantially reduces setback and open requirements. It also would require ground floor nonresidential uses in many settings – even as retail continues to struggle. … This proposal needs a lot more than just a review for consistency.” If you add this on top of the proposed AHO amendments, I can’t even begin to describe what a miserable urban environment may be in our future. The sheer dishonesty and misrepresentation of it all is enough to make you retch. – Robert Winters

June 7, 2023

Cambridge InsideOut Episodes 589-590: June 6, 2023

Episode 589 – Cambridge InsideOut: June 6, 2023 (Part 1)

This episode was recorded on June 6, 2023 at 6:00pm. Topics: Central Square updates – Starlight Square and a shoutout to Matt Boyes-Watson, Nina Berg, and especially Brian Wright; Cambridge Police doing the work; politicizing the moment and jumping on board the latest ideological train; looking back at the craziness of Covid, getting back to living; “saving capitalism one screw at a time”; retail spaces as amenities rather than as profit centers; Popportunists coming to Columbia Street. Hosts: Robert Winters, Patrick Barrett [On YouTube] [audio]

Episode 590 – Cambridge InsideOut: June 6, 2023 (Part 2)

This episode was recorded on June 6, 2023 at 6:30pm. Topics: Municipal Election Calendar; time to declare intentions for City Council or School Committee; dumbing down in the name of social justice; education and lifting people up; candidacy takes courage – putting yourself out there – service, not a career; need for a broad range of candidates and a lot of voter education; small “d” democrats vs. performative progressives; Sullivan Chamber as community theater; BEUDO – incentives and support vs. mandates; CDD as an activist organization; upzoning petitions on parade. Hosts: Robert Winters, Patrick Barrett [On YouTube] [audio]

[Materials used in these episodes]

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